I kinda got over my gecko love when they dropped their salmonella laden stinky bug poos on my keyboard one too many times.
I kinda got over my gecko love when they dropped their salmonella laden stinky bug poos on my keyboard one too many times.
Depends on the hand tool and the amount of work to do, I think. One off cuts, handsaw everytime. 4-5 or more cuts, go get the power saw. Quality of handtool makes a difference.
@DH: When I ran into Christopher Alexander's "A Pattern Language", I found a study at Berkley where pictures of homes in various settings were offered to people in developed countries for preference. Across all the countries, people overwhelmingly selected the picture of the home overlooking water (of some type.)
@ridgecity: It's not for paper. It's rain forest woods that don't rot and pastureland. Mahoganys, rosewoods, teaks, etc. Gotta stop buying high end woods and eating McDonald's hamburgers.
@PensoTroppo؟: Might the problem be that shows serve me (however that is), and ads serve someone else? The break between show and ad is so stark at that level, seems like that's the polarizing issue.
@AxelFonze: Yep. That would make the ads the "shows" and the shows the "advertising" or the marketing for the ad.
@OneTech: Undo for me in the mid 80's at Sun when I, in my youthful enthusiasm would sometimes reply-all, was to either L1-A my Sun 2 workstation to abort it or else I just kicked the plug right out of the wall (one time.) Then you boot single user and hope the mailer daemon hadn't gotten to it yet. Computers were…
@wizzard419: Security Theater is such a powerful experience.
@Starbury Sneetch: You forgot the word "credible" in there.
@LBCanCook: Level 1 is doing nothing. Good work!
@MacTodd: "Sun Microsoft." As another x-sunner from that timeframe, that's got interesting [(technical) freudian] overtones.
@HDCase: Like:
@Joel Pennie: Ski in the morning, surf in the afternoon (no wetsuit.) What could be better?
@Roberto NM: Not only that, but the Tropic of Capricorn and Cancer should have changed every 2,1000 yrs or so, too. I thought we were moving into the Tropic [Age] of Aquarius but now, who knows?
@Avastmateys: It's interesting that "hobbies" become "critical" in certain situations...situations where people can't envision ever needing them. Yet the possibility exists that the situation could arise.
@ebeckert: Back in the early 80's, moved into the CDC building across from the new HHH Metrodome. They hadn't quite gotten the bugs worked out on the pressure differential, and the first snows turned it into the HHH Metrodish.
@Slinkytech: Nah. Just enough low grade stress to slowly but inexorably wipe us out through immune system diseases.
@Settings: Imagine what the engineers for the Japanese Toto smart washing toilets had to go through to get the aim of the scrubbing spray correct.
@Uh...Clem: He violated Rule 1 of Niven's Laws (from Known Space.) Transcends dumb.
@Despite1992: Well, maybe, but not compared to no power.