Binaural beats help me sleep every night. So, maybe they'll get addicted to the blissful slumber it provides.
Binaural beats help me sleep every night. So, maybe they'll get addicted to the blissful slumber it provides.
I love how Redbox provides many "dinner and a movie" opportunities to those who go to McDonalds for a date.
@Detroit Velvet Smooth: Agreed.
@Pay_Me_Or_Pay_Me_No_Attention: Thank you for your honest opinion. I have to agree with you on this one.
@chefgon: Neither do I. If it's for tobacco or whatever, why don't they just say so? I'm quite confused... and I feel left out.
This almost seems wrong, since California (the Bay Area) doesn't allow fireworks at all. They used to, 20 years ago or so, but now they don't. It's pretty lame.
@KillerKoala: Seriously, I agree with @Lemonade. Holidays in the UK are amazing. We shoot off fireworks for a week around Bonfire night!
@ezrashapiro: Maybe it was some sort of blasé remark about those of us who enjoy that kind of swill. Who knows with this website :)
@HeroOfTomorrow-you're holding it wrong.: Yes! And you could misspell everything as well, and maybe throw in some poor grammar while you're at it.
@thetiminator69: Thank you! I assumed it was spelled all fancy, but apparently I was wrong.
@shakezulla86: I only used jailbreaking for proper multitasking with Backgrounder. I loved being able to listen to Pandora and still do other things without my music cutting out. I wish I had saved my SHSH Blobs from 3.1.3 so I could go back to the non iPhone 4 version and reapply Backgrounder.
FaceTime isn't a very good example, since you use wi-fi to make those calls, and not AT&T. But I do agree with everything else you've said. This is a giant oversight by Apple, and a disappointing one at that.
@johnnyabnormal: Oooh, forget that. They invented the Segue! We could just tilt our way around (and look like idiots while doing so).
Good post :) I always enjoy Dieter Rams designs.
As a three-time cancer survivor, heed my warning: cancer sucks. So, do what you can to avoid it, even if it means reapplying massive amounts of sunscreen. There's no reason we can't avoid lifestyle cancers (certain lung/skin cancers, etc).
@AshmanE: Very well said. Thanks for being so openly, unabashedly honest. That's rare compared to the thousands of "LOLZ!" comments.
Absolute genius. We need more posts like this one.
@njefferson: The backgrounder app was so much better! I could choose which app to leave running, unlike on 4.0 where every app is running in the background and kills your battery life. I definitely dislike having to keep an eye on which programs I have to constantly kill.
The pink is super cute! If I didn't already have my awesome HP, I'd consider this lappy as a newer alternative.
@wætherman: I'm sorry my poor description of how much I couldn't give a shit about living green missed your linear thought process. And it's a PhD in geophysics. Thanks.