
How easily you forget about the free goal you received during the USA-England match, and the goal taken away from the England team because of a poor offsides call. This isn't limited to one team. So, stop complaining, and welcome to FIFA's iron-fisted control over the footy world - a world you will soon leave, because

@iCantbearsed: I agree. I wish Americans would shuttup about footy already. They'll forget about the sport in a month's time after their team gets knocked out of the World Cup. Very fair-weather fans.

So... they want us to sing shit songs in the shower? Great. You can totally F right off with that idea, along with all of your other green crap. As a geophysicist, the first thing I learned at university was that the earth is doomed, and we can only prolong it's demise. So lets just enjoy our slow deaths with long,

I love my sonicare toothbrush. It definitely pays for itself. I've had it for about five years now, and am tempted to upgrade it, but I really wouldn't need to since it's still brushing like it's new.

@signe: Exactly! Take responsibility for your actions, and your procrastinating. If you are finding that telecommuting or freelancing is difficult, then you're obviously doing something wrong.

This woman obviously has no idea how to make tea. *facepalm*

We have a cat door on the door leading to the garage, and keep the litter box in there. It has definitely kept the house a lot cleaner.

@AreWeThereYeti: Thank you! If it weren't for people like you, I would believe what Giz writes.

@justgent: Oregon is the same way. We have to pay a $2 or $3 purchase price for the glasses, and then we can toss them or take them with us at the end. Purchasing glasses over and over again just isn't worth it to me. My roommates and I have boycotted 3D movies prior to the release of Avatar. We just watch movies from

I think I'm the only one who wants nothing to do with 3D movies, and would rather people got over them and went back to normalcy.

@KTope: They're comfy! And they make your butt look good ;) Just saying...

@ilovetofu: I had no idea this even existed. Thanks for posting this and reminding me to protect my info.

@kapanak: Macworld is usually in January (8-10th ish).

@kapanak: Why would Apple release general products at a Dev conference? If developers can't physically code for, lets say, an Apple TV, then why would it be announced? Apple saves other announcements for Macworld, the fall, etc. It makes perfect sense that the iPhone would be the only announcement.

@cc4: AT&T doesn't yet support 4G, so there would be no use of a 4G iPhone. They plan on implementing a commercial LTE network sometime in 2011.

@AkronZip: I would look at MacRumors.com for all of your upgrade questions on when to purchase a new mac product. They have the most comprehensive list of any website.

@SahanaJemagee: I've been wondering for a long time whether anyone actually buys their displays. You can get comparable screens for nearly half the price from competitors, so Apple's ridiculous prices strike me as ludicrous. Of course, they've been pushing the iMac for awhile now, and the Mac Pro, along with the need

@Dwight-K-Schrute: That's the best way to get parents to buy shiny new toys - convince them it's necessary to get an A in a class.

@WestwoodDenizen: I'm rather confused at that above statement as well. Maybe they're referring to Apple's new foot in the door of case-making, rather than the company itself. Either way, it's a strange comment.