
So... my takeaway from this piece is middle class white guys no longer have the right to have ennui. That emotion is reserved for... uh... undefined oppressed cultural subgroups I suppose. In a recent AV Club review of the old film ‘American Beauty’ that was what generated the most reviewer outrage. How DARE this

It helps that all his shows are really great.

Jeremy Bearimy

A large chunk of America still thinks you need to be Christian to be president. Jews aren’t as reviled as atheists or Muslims, but they’re not universally liked either. It’s a fucking stupid reason, but it exists.

68 year old Jewish guys from Minnesota are not “rising stars” or presidential candidates. I admire Franken’s track record as a Senator and am ambivalent about his resignation, but let’s not make him more than he was.

Seriously, anyone pretending his hand’s were entirely clean or that it wasn’t proper to resign is full of shit. The referred to New Yorker piece totally glosses over several credible allegations of groping/harassment. The Dems needed to hold the line on propriety and support for victims alongside #MeToo, even if he

Forget it Bart, it’s just misogyny.

“You’re a monster, like Dr Jekyll.”

Yeah, and that’s a bunch of bullshit from him because Murphy’s stand-up fame centered on being as shockingly offensive as possible.

He already apologized “to anyone who was actually offended”

This is why I say there should be no more comedians

No, a comedian makes things funny and insightful and relatable. Situations, life experiences, interactions, and yes, sometimes jabs, barbs and insults. That’s what comedians do. That’s their job.

I think it's really brave of you to just put it out there that you struggle with basic reading comprehension. And the way you don't let it stop you from commenting? Inspirational.

Ummm, he uses the word “presume” right at the beginning of that sentence. >_<

“Why is this story about one thing that happened not instead a story about a different thing that also sometimes happens?”

You mean like If Beale Street Could Talk, To Kill a Mockingbird, Death and the Maiden, Brian Banks, When They See Us, etc, etc.... Yeah there are no movies or tv shows about that? Go back to 8chan, so that you can run away of all the mean women tormenting you for being a man, and refusing to giving you the attention

Cool. You start. It can be your biopic

I couldn’t take it seriously and turned it off right at the beginning. The whole intro about “I thought anime was Hello Kitty but, yo check out all this blood and guts and titties!!!” is the most 90's-ass take on anime ever. I might as well make a documentary about film and say it’s just Pixar and hard core porn. It’s