“Have you tried moving it to another dimension and back again?"
“Have you tried moving it to another dimension and back again?"
I honestly enjoy it. It is definitely interesting to watch how two different perspectives and knowledge of the source interact with the show and the different reviews and critiques that result.
[WARNING: I’m going to outright spoil some specific details from the end of Amber Spyglass, so if you’re still reading this that’s on you, random people stumbling into this conversation]
For me, the way Amber Spyglass treats the idea of God is critical here. Technically, “The Authority” exists in the world of HDM, but…
The question of cinema isn’t about quality. The question is about creative risk. How much is a studio willing to risk on a movie about difficult, complicated, unusual ideas?
You do realize that the phenomenon you’re describing is entirely subjective, right? The emotions you might have felt were ‘genuinely earned’ in Taxi Driver, another viewer might have felt did not ‘ring true.’ And vice versa, all of the emotional beats in Infinity War that you felt did not ‘ring true,’ another viewer…
All movies are emotionally manipulative. What sort of movie tries to not elicit a response?
“but he grew up in the age when movies fought to be treated with the same legitimacy as books and music”
Just as a comment on subjectivity, what amused me was that I was in agreeance with your first paragraph and then had to take a double take when seeing GotG2 being used as an example as it is, for me, one of the most emotionally manipulative movies in MCU. Although it is also influenced that I absolutely loathe Peter…
No she fucking isn’t. She’s *barely* a character. And she’s had, what? Like 3, 4 movies to be more than “Whedonesque ‘strong female’ who can do flippy spinny moves, is sort of a villain, and is painted blue.”?
He’s got a point. Not entirely agreeable, but a point nonetheless. As a major Spider-Man fan and a believer of the MCU since its conception, I still find, for example, Peter Parker’s “death” scene in Infinity War to be very emotionally manipulative and devoid of sincerity. Same with a lot of the emotional moments they…
The problem with that road is a vast majority of the films that were popular when Scorsese was starting out also weren’t high art. It was the studio system which allowed for prestige films to be made alongside pulp. The death of the studio system is what killed those films, more than the MCU. And the current path was…
Just don’t say they’re “not cinema”, Marty. It’s as ridiculous as saying ‘War and Peace’ is a book but ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ is not a book. Respective quality can be argued all you like, but they’re the same type of thing. They exist on the same plane.
Why would he back down from being right?
Not sure where this new meme that Benioff and Weiss are incompetent fuckups came from. So people didn’t like the last season of Game of Thrones, and that means the guys responsible for the previous seasons, raptly watched by millions, are talentless hacks?
I’m not sure that anyone (Netflix, Disney or B&W) was looking back on the earlier decision especially fondly.
So, they were definitely fired from this, right? There’s no way you’d tank the most successful TV series of all time to make a Star Wars trilogy and then decide not to make it because of a deal with Netflix.
How did you manage to see The Witcher?
It would also be a plus if we get more adult versions of the animated shows. I tried getting into Rebels and Clone Wars but they’re just too kiddie for me.
So lack of Anakin in the trailer means no Anakin in the film? that seems to be a hasty conclusion
Cue all the butthurt manbabies complaining about The Last Jedi. Becuase we can’t have anything Star Wars related without at least one person complaining about it.