I dunno, man. If this were 25 years ago, it might have made a great Christopher Lambert film, but I’m not sure I’m interested enough to watch a whole series of this.
I dunno, man. If this were 25 years ago, it might have made a great Christopher Lambert film, but I’m not sure I’m interested enough to watch a whole series of this.
I thought that was obvious, that this was a sequel based on the idea that Rorschach’s journal got out and told everyone the truth.
I have faith in Lindelhof and HBO based on Leftovers if nothing else. I think they know what they’re doing and Rorschach’s followers are going to be a problem not right wing badasses we’re supposed to root for.
I certainly haven’t gotten the vibe from any of these trailers that the Rorschach Militia is anything but a completely horrible group of reactionary extremists in the vein of emergent right wing militias we’re seeing today. I don’t get the vibe that the masked cops are heroes, either. I guess my best hope for the…
“Why do I have to wear the pink top?”
I don’t want to be Mr. Red!
I’ve always respected this in an age of performative, toothless moral outrage. It’s easy to be principled on the internet, where it doesn’t cost you anything, and you get a nice little dopamine hit. Alan Moore has probably given up millions behind principles in an era where so many people have shrugged and taken the…
“Which, when you think about it, is less snotty than principled.”
Agreed! I have them on my shelf, and I say that *as* a lit major. :)
“It is intentionally not “literary” because it is something that works only in comic books”
Alan Moore’s response to the accusation that his comics feature rape too frequently was that rape happens too frequently. In fact happens far more frequently than most of the other kinds of violence his comics also feature.
While I’ve loved a lot of his stuff, growing up with it, I tend to agree with a lot of his criticisms of superheroes and more broadly the infantilizing nature of so much of pop culture. And I still like a lot of it, so it’s not like I feel superior there.
Hey, if Stephen King can write a full-on adolescent sewer gangbang and still be regarded as America’s favorite living author, then Moore’s legacy should be fine.
I read a ton of comics actually. I don’t think King is a particularly good writer and I think Mr. Miracle evinces some of his worst tendancies disguised by some great art and stylish layouts (that owe something to Watchmen, interestingly).
I mean Literary as ‘having a marked style intended to create a particular…
Those aren’t all from his early life. And he treated it respectfully. “Rape-dependant is not how I would characterize it. Also, there was only attempted rape in Watchmen. Kid Miracleman was raped in the orphanage or wherever it was and that was the last draw before letting out the evil doppleganger.
Oh I’m by no means defending Moore’s obsession with rape, but he’s responsible for some of the only comics that I would consider literary masterpieces so I’m not willing to write him off because of it. It’s a heavy flaw in his writing, but it doesn’t invalidate a career of masterpieces.
What money? All that piling in from..uh..., the print industry?
Moore has also gone on the record as stating his regret for fridging Barbra Gordon in The Killing Joke.
Every time I start to decide that everyone should exhibit the kind of honesty Neeson showed in his admission, that maybe we should all open up about the times where we have been less than fair with other races, or the opposite sex, or whomever else we’ve wronged, I see an article like this and am reminded why we keep…