John Small Berries

On mobile where I don’t use an adblocker, the ads loading several seconds later is annoying as Hell: it never fails that I tap on an article when I think the page is done loading, it sits for a few seconds, the ads load and shift everything on the page down, and then it registers my tap...on the wrong article because

I did what I’d always been told to do as a child in case of fire. Stop, drop, and roll. While I was doing that my phone continued to burn on the counter until my roommate came in and grabbed it and put it out by throwing it in the toilet. I was fucking lied to as a child man.

I prefer to truther flu claims. Seems every damn person that comes down with something between October and March has influenza. After all, it’s flu season, so there is no possible way you could become infected with any malady other than influenza during flu season. I’d assert a large percentage of people that claim

Anker SoundBuds Curve Bluetooth Headphones In Ear Sports Earphones with 12.5 Hour Battery AptX Stereo Sound Waterproof Nano Coating Workout Headset with Built-In Mic and Carry Pouch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0721MP41Q?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf

Anker SoundBuds Curve Bluetooth Headphones In Ear Sports Earphones with 12.5 Hour Battery AptX Stereo Sound

Anker Soundbuds Slim+

Anker Soundbuds Slim+

Meh, you know what else is good at letting me know whether I’m losing, maintaing, or gaining weight? A smaller, similar, or larger number. If people get upset about not constantly seeing a smaller number everyday when trying to lose weight, they need to better educate themselves on how weight loss actually works.

I concur with this. I just bought my Eufy last week for $37, and so far so good.

I concur with this. I just bought my Eufy last week for $37, and so far so good.

Plus, this one has terrible reviews.

Plus, this one has terrible reviews.

Pass. Anker’s reliable Eufy BodySense scale does all of the same things for $10 cheaper than this sale. And that’s at its normal price. When it goes on sale it can drop to $35.

Pass. Anker’s reliable Eufy BodySense scale does all of the same things for $10 cheaper than this sale. And that’s

I do self-scan whenever I can with no regrets. I can scan faster and trust my bagging skills over any cashier, and the only thing holding me back is the machine either thinking I bagged/didn’t bag something or waiting to have my ID checked.

So what you are saying is they Don’t Speak?

Best deal in shaving is a double edged safety razor.

Best deal in shaving is a double edged safety razor.

To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.

Because it’s sex with someone they love

There’s also a $15 off coupon available if this is your first Amazon Tools purchase. Just check the box for it.

There’s also a $15 off coupon available if this is your first Amazon Tools purchase. Just check the box for it.

This, this right here. I know its not everyones type of article, but f*ck, this has to be one of the best stories Ive read on Jalopnik for a very, very long while.

Ginger Snaps is easily one of my favorite horror movies of all time. It’s really sympathetic, the ending hits hard, but it’s really funny when it wants to be. It also has actual well-written characters, unlike the smug ciphers of Scream. I love that movie more every time I watch it. The first sequel is also pretty

I have massive nostalgic love for The Faculty. And Ginger Snaps.

The Faculty rules. One of my favorite teen horror movies from that era. I remember really wanting to like Disturbing Behavior (god, I had the hugest crush on Katie Holmes back then) but it not living up to my expectations. I didn’t know it had been that messed with by the studio, that explains why it had potential but

Thanks for acknowledging New Nightmare. Most articles about Scream or its legacy seem to forget it. It is also, in my opinion, the vastly superior movie. It does the “meta” thing without pointing it out every few minutes, it has likable characters, and its story is thematically richer.