John Small Berries

I just finished ‘What the Hell Did I Just Read: A Novel of Cosmic Horror’, because even if David Wong has gotten preachy and annoying on Cracked.com, his JDatE novels are always totally solid horror comedy novels:)

Uhh, you probably want to mention A Simple Plan instead of, like, nameless veteran cop.

Briscoe was particularly brilliant as Billy Bob Thornton’s best friend/deadbeat drinking buddy in the superb A Simple Plan (also featuring the late great Bill Paxton). There’s a wonderfully intense scene where a bitter Briscoe goads Thornton to join him in unleashing a lifetime’s resentment towards Paxton (playing

Fuck that’s depressing. I’ve always thought he was a seriously underrated character actor - he never got the respect he deserved for his fantastic performance in A Simple Plan.

Stringify is a similar platform that has multiple conditions/triggers.

Oh god. The trolls are learning how to use punctuation.

Controlling the thermostat while in bed is hands down the best thing about it. Everything else is meh.

Light Scheduling. No joke has changed my life....slow dim leading up to bed time. Slow wake in the morning. I don’t even use an alarm anymore.

The thing is he actually is an independent, in the sense that he’s an egotistical opportunist that will take whatever position is most convenient at the time. He used to be a registered Democrat for crap’s sake. I agree calling him an independent is normalizing him, but calling him a Republican did that too. Calling

I massively recommend “The Memory Palace” by Nate DiMeo. It’s history told through small stories in an intimate way.

Hi, NW Iowan from King’s district here. What’s wrong with Iowa are the two same things that are wrong with the rest of the country. 1) the people who bitch about King don’t show up to vote him out, or even if they do, 2) our state is gerrymandered to fuck and King faces zero realistic opposition.

King may represent us

He’ll probably get an award for actually using a turn signal in Florida.

As a white person raised by white people I can promise you a lot of us treat our own kids like shit too.

It sounds great, but can it import from Evernote? I’ve kept all of my recipes in E for years now, and have several hundred by now. Not going to switch out for anything that can’t handle importing them all rather than one at a time.

She was robbed. Everyone knows the Earth was created in 6 days about 6,000 years ago. So 75 million years ago there was nothing. And the closest thing to nothing is....the Timberwolves.

Be careful. It’s a good product, but it makes the shower slippery.

Be careful. It’s a good product, but it makes the shower slippery.

Anker Premium 5-Port 60W USB Wall Charger

Anker Premium 5-Port 60W USB Wall Charger

Oh thank you so much! This was a huge annoyance for me especially when I would use my phone to view all the Gawker sites because of the ton of stupid ads you guys have on the mobile version. I don’t have an issue on the desktop due to running ad block and ghostery

Lrrr agrees.

Push-ups! For all of us lazies, who can’t (won’t) get to the gym and don’t have exercise equipment, a regular regimen of push-ups will do a lot for all sexes, body-types. Start with modified push-ups if can’t do a regular one, and just keep doing them most days of the week, and keep adding more reps when you can.