John Small Berries

I cannot scan multiple pages. :(

An aside: disher maintenance guy told me two things that extend the life of your disher: run the kitchen sink to its hottest temp, and run the garbage disposal if you have one, before running the disher.

Cutting the cheese is part of the bathroom experience.

I like Jose Bautista quite a bit, but apparently I like him getting punched in the face even more.

And we have a winner!!

It only makes one cup of coffee at a time, which is exactly right for the lazy.

I love all her projects and the fact that she shares such detailed plans. (And oh wow that basement playground!)

Yeah, but this arrest was completely lawful. In that state, you have to run on a sidewalk if possible.


Aren’t those cleaners like bleach, scrubbing bubbles and Ajax pretty much household items already?

Don’t forget, contracts were so important to the Founders that they were enshrined in the Constitution:

Maybe, just maybe, this human being shouldn’t be subjecting herself to more punches/kicks to the skull in the future.

Immediately after the interview, UFC announced it had signed the babies.

I know EXACTLY how she feels.

In legal terms, Not Guilty is exactly the same thing as Acquitted - you are cleared of criminal charges.

Trying to make bad relationships work.

It’ll solve my financial problems. Once I pay off my student loans, and set up my elderly, disabled Mom with a trust fund for her lifetime care, I’ll set up a family trust, run by disinterested parties, and everyone will have to submit grant proposals to get cash. If my cousins can come up with good business proposals

I agree that getting suddenly filthy rich won’t guarantee you happiness and may cause problems. But I’ve never found working in a boring job 8-12 hours a day to stave off poverty is any sort of spiritual Nirvana either. I would be willing to experiment with a different set of problems for awhile.