An even better idea is to pay off outstanding debt you have.
An even better idea is to pay off outstanding debt you have.
Oil Boom! Lot’s of Oil Money and a very small population in the state.
It’s hard to “not care” when wearing clothes that aren’t “nice” enough lands you in a one-on-one with your boss. “Do you only have three business outfits? Go buy more this weekend.”
By the time you do all that you could run down to the dollar store and get a cheap one
We’re going to need a review, Jason.
Well, they let kids bring treats on their birthdays - so they let the summer birthday kids bring treats on their half birthdays. Not really celebrate, just another chance for the students to have cupcakes.
Enamel pans. No teflon. Not expensive. Used for many long years of roasting by many many cooks.
Yeah your guns will do well against a Reaper drone. Do you honestly believe that if there was some sort of armed civil conflict that your cap guns would be able to defend you from the power of our military? I wish people like you would finally get your day in the Sun and see just how defenseless you would be if the…
Does anyone know if *all* of Target’s BF deals will ultimately be online, or are they in-store only? I REALLY don’t want to drag my bloated pie-filled carcass to Target on Thanksgiving night, but the only toy my (twin) kids (both) want is 50% off. Given that I need 2 of them, this saves me roughly $200. Before you…
Does anyone know if *all* of Target’s BF deals will ultimately be online, or are they in-store only? I REALLY don’t…
The real conundrum is the fact that, at least for me, It is my work schedule that causes me to disrespect my body’s natural sleep cycle during the week, and my weekend schedule is more natural. I work the typical, roughly 9-5 schedule. If I didn’t have to worry about working, I would naturally go to sleep at 1-2am and…
Today in Science Sucks All Joy Out of Life Bit by Bit Piece by Piece Little by...
OrbitalGun, I love it! Awesome response!
You are my new hero. I am looking at a pretty long stretch of alone time in the next month. Adding all of these to my to do list.
Sounds like a party to me!
Step 1. Get married and spend twenty-three years with two families, neither of which you can stand.
Step 2. There is no step 2. Any holiday you end up spending alone turns out to be an absolute gold-plated gift from God.
Don’t think that your age at that time can be blamed for your naivety, some of us continue to make fantastic decisions later in life too...