Orazio Zorzotto

My dear boy, why don’t you just try acting?

I think the big difference between someone like Strong and Leto doing things like this, is that it actually pays off for Strong.

So many hardships for this (checks notes) scion of two billionaire families.

I think the difference here between plumbers and movie stars is several orders of magnitude of money and influence, and the fact that there are significantly fewer people attempting to become plumbers than become famous. For every Colin or Chet, there are literally thousands of people whose dream is access to the one

I’m a bit surprised at how gushing the reviews for the movie have been. It was generally entertaining, but the first one just seemed much better in pretty much every way. I would have expected the reviewers to be unkind to this one in comparison (“Knives Out 2: bigger, longer, duller”).

Thank you. What a bullshit response from whoever the hell this Drew Gillis person is. Grown adults do not HIT PEOPLE when they get angry at them. If that’s honestly what you think, Drew, grow up. How wildly ironic it is to hear such a thing from someone who uses words (not their fists) as their profession.

Not to be especially crass, but I believe there’s truth to the expression “talk shit, get hit

What are some filmmakers that you like? That might be an interesting thing to talk about, rather than piling onto a 5-year old garbage fire of toxic Star Wars fandom.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

David Sims, David Ehrlich, and Guillermo Del Toro are a lot more credible as sources than the clowns they had respond to say, Batman V Superman or Rise of Skywalker’s premieres.

It’s not “shade,” it’s criticism. When you put art out in public, you are subjecting it to criticism. Trying to deflect that criticism by saying, “I’m not going to stand by while people insult diversity” is just about the most bullshit move you can possibly pull. Marvel is not a social justice movement. It’s a

Yes, I feel like I’m going crazy when I see how people talk about Disney-Marvel like it’s some well-intentioned underdog and not McDonalds or Bank of America.

I dunno, the Nazis were still a credible boogeyman in the sixties. The war had only been over for about twenty years, Eichmann was tried in ‘62 so the idea of a secret Fourth Reich planning a comeback was bubbling away in pop culture, George Lincoln Rockwell was sliming around the place and forming the American Nazi

“White” is a flexible label that has expanded and contracted over history. The Polish and Irish used to not be white! Chinese and other East Asians were sometimes counted as white! Hell at the time of the Super Mario movie it probably wouldn’t be too difficult to find someone who didn’t think Italians were white. 

The most memorable thing about SPECTRE was that Christopher Nolan and his family attended the same screening I did (Cinerama Dome), and at the end as he was walking out he had a distinct “I could have done better than that” expression on his face.

I don’t understand why Moore should be grateful, that show proved Lindelof didn’t understand Moore’s work and it’s not like he hasn’t made his position clear on adaptations over the past 20 years. Why was Lindelof so deluded in thinking he’d somehow magically convince Moore otherwise? Should’ve just told an original

I get it... but... they also didn’t make her that interesting?

“…but one would think that he assassinated President Lincoln for all the continued fuss about what went down in that theater...”

It’s weird that you’re using The Wire to make this point, as there’s no narrative reason whatsoever for anything gay in the series. In fact, the reason why The Wire is so progressive on this issue is because it treats it all so matter-of-factly as to be only just barely worthy of comment. The glimpses we see of Kima

If Google couldn’t get it to be adopted widely, why is anyone else going to be able to do it?  There is no widespread need for it.  The only niche it fills is for those with very high speed internet, but a lack of computing power, which isn’t a whole lot of people.

Look, if taking things out of context and yelling vapidly to show how much more virtuous I am than someone else is wrong, I don’t want to be right!