Orazio Zorzotto

He got us, folks. The resident incel has trapped us in his web of logic. 

Meh. The Doctor had already been given a whole new regeneration cycle, of which 13 was only the second incarnation. It’s not like it was a pressing issue.

You know the moment someone mentions decapitated babies I know they are full of shit. It’s was a bullshit comment that has been debunked within hours of its first report. It’s really just Islamphobic bullshit trying to dehumanize one side as monsters. Not saying Hamas are the good guys, they aren’t. But spreading

Pretty fucking wild how the AV Club… is omitting the ACTUAL antisemitic part of Barrera’s posts

She didn’t say she supports Hamas. She says she is against Palestinian civilians being killed which you appear to be very much in favor of.

If it’s laid anything bare, it’s that any criticism of Israel is branded as “antisemitic” in order to stifle Palestinian perpsectives, and has been for a long time.

Or it might be that a lot of those critics just didn’t like the movie as it was. I’ve watched and read some of those negative reviews and this seems like stretching bad faith arguments to a limit, unless it literally for you means disliking a movie you liked.

Several days before the incident, DeLorenzo says he communicated with Warners’ production coordinator and safety officers about procedures to follow when shooting during bad weather conditions. They allegedly responded by telling him to purchase lightning detector products and weather apps.”

Updated intro: Now sans Albert Alarr’s ass... these are The Days of Our Lives”

Jesus wouldn’t SCAB.

No shit it was great work. But Stan still was a credit-stealing bullshit artist who treated people badly at times. The way he treated Wally Wood and mocked him for wanting some writing credit was repulsive.

It doesn’t seem to me like Kirby ever claims that Stan did nothing? He’s just frustrated with the framing that Stan was *the* most important figure in the creation of these iconic characters.

Not defending his actions, but this says that Jonathan Majors is “currently facing sexual assault charges”—which isn’t true at all. He’s facing charges of assault (i.e., hitting someone) and harassment (of the non-sexual variety), but none of the charges are sexual in nature.

Lindsay Ellis is hardly “far-right”, and that video is at least three years old, long before all the DeSantis stuff.  It does actually pay to do at least a cursory glance at something before you assume you know exactly what it is.

And he seemed to have a particular grudge against creatives, an odd position for someone who purposefully entered the creative-driven comic book publishing business.”

No. That’s not odd at all. Comics execs have always treated creators like complete dog shit, which is why so much of the golden and silver age comic

Frankly, if the Duffer Brothers *do* have all the scripts completely and are simply postponing production in order to use Stranger Things as leverage to help the protesting writers, my respect for them has reached its fucking peak. Good for them. And it might work, too, given how enormous the show is. This is a

AIs that can do 80% of your job nearly instantly.

Once the MCU has its claws in, it’s definitely reluctant to let go.”

Is there a text version of this? I’m not pivoting to video.

It’s also not really contradicting the previous reports - it’s just describing the redundant work and story changes as “tightening.” But it’s good that the company gives him access to a doctor - at least in theory. It’s not clear where he’d make room for an appointment with all the tightening.