Orazio Zorzotto

Well the article uses “U.S. Government” and “U.S. government” interchangeably, so one of them has to be wrong, eh?

Kind of weird they’re altering the song rather than just adding Kelis as a songwriter - especially since they’re not exactly stingy with songwriting credits on this album

No funny moments? I laughed heartily at Patrick squirming when confronted with his anti-semitism, Nathan’s physical comedy in his ‘dad’ role, the madness of the aging mirrors, th absurdity of the ‘emotional rehearsal’, planting zucchinis like carrots, the sticker on the bell peper and Nathan’s reaction to it and more

Oh, I can believe that Patrick chose to avoid future contact. I don’t have evidence that Fielder was lying either. But consider that Fielder says Patrick invited him to the amusement park but by the time he got there, his phone had died, he couldn’t find him, and then he “never heard from him again.” …So how did he

I don’t know if finding validation on present-era AvClub is as edifying as you’re making it out to be.

That age range is super fucked up but 18 isn’t a child, come on.

Yeah, I wish this piece gave any indication of what kind of “protection” Patton wanted. Did she want a therapist, possibly on-set, as part of her compensation package? Did she want anti-racist PSAs, or in-universe content to that effect? Or is this all about social media, and the CW being too cheap to hire some

The part about if she gets pulled over in Jackson, Mississippi is obviously true, but a weird thing to bring up in relation to the show that she works on that shoots in Toronto, Canada.

As I’m often reminded by MCU fanboys, it’s not that deep.

This seems like typical Marvel lying, right? Like, we know Marvel is trying to make a Fantastic Four movie, and Krasinski seems like the level of fame they would hire to be Reed Richards (unless he’s trying to be Clint Eastwood and only direct). And I don’t know why they would hire someone that prominent to make a

for sure, only pop culture sites desperate for material would bother publishing them...

Aren’t these BS Twitter reactions almost always marketing crap that the studio lets get out early.  You never here about how bad a first screening of a movie is these days. 

This was bad. This was really bad. What is going on at Disney? Between this and Boba Fett they seem really clueless. There are tons of good TV writers, and Disney has the money to pay. Confused by what’s happening here. 

I might be missing the joke here but I feel like I’ve heard people criticize that death before, soooo... All I have to say is that RTD’s been writing about LGBTQ+ issues his whole career, including Queer as Folk and at least five shows before that; he wrote a ton of positive queer representation into Doctor Who and

One should approach Men as if it were modal jazz: it isn’t so much about a hummable melody

Literally every single below the line person on a Marvel movie is a consummate pro working at the top of their game and the top of their profession. There’s no reason to throw them under a bus and say, “well, people can be nice and suck at their job.” There’s just no way you get and keep that kind of job if you’re not

Bullshit. The British Royal Family is an embarrassment — people utterly devoid of any more merit than you could get by plucking random people off the street, and given extraordinary wealth, privilege, and influence that most of us couldn’t dream of, all in support of an institution whose entire existence is

...is it boom? Have you never gotten an ounce of utility from a movie review (or even just a recommendation from a friend who shares your taste) in terms of helping you to decide whether to go see it?

Yes, this is a pissy, self-centered argument by Davis.

I mean, I kind of get it, but I also think Jennings’s take illustrates a central challenge with the discussion itself. Before anything I think the show’s ending is really bad, I just also don’t think there was a good ending available. The show essentially wrote themselves in a corner by deciding, I’d argue correctly,