Orazio Zorzotto

and feels more disappointing after two years of anticipation for its release.” Serious question, was ANYONE anticipating this one? Like, if by anticipation you mean that people were aware it had been delayed and mildly curious when it would manage to get a full release, sure. But anticipating it? Excited to watch it?

As others have noted below, those publicity shots are awful. Firstly, because most people assume what you’re showing is before/after, not after/before. But secondly, because I have watched the Godfather on a few mediums - VHS, Laserdisc, DVD, Blu Ray - and have never seen it presented the way it is shown in those

“May have been skewed a little towards fossil fuels”

F that, I come to AV Club for in depth coverage of ever military exercise! I just wish they would review them on a A-F scale.

Because this is a site devoted to covering entertainment and popular culture and one way of covering entertainment and popular culture is just showing people some esoteric thing from a bygone era and reminding them that it existed.

If you’re looking for coverage of war and geopolitical conflicts maybe try a site like

Pretty deceptive frames, the 2008 “Coppola Restoration” did NOT give you milky grey frames with the brightness super boosted. Go back and look at the frame grabs in 2008 reviews, they sure as hell didn’t look like this. That shot of Brando in the study? Give me a break. Someone is purposely trying to make the transfer

That’s what happens when people doing unique creative work get taken over by a private equity firm. The company gets hollowed out, the talent leaves, and the folks who are left running it have to figure out how to maximize clicks instead of, you know, putting out quality writing.

Dowd flourishes his cape and disappears into the dark of night one last time. Godspeed, sir. Until the critic-signal appears in the clouds again, we’ll be watching.

I can tell you from experience as a crewmember: No. No, we would not want that.  We already work enough long ass hours and being forced to do so even more is not worth the overtime that we may not even get anyway.

“It was brilliant in that they paid me a ton of money.”  

There’s good lizard-brain entertainment, there’s harmless time-wasters, and there’s pointless ineptitude.  This is clearly the latter, so I appreciate the heads-up.

wow the thing that blows my mind about this is the idea of James Gunn making something that isn’t a comedy.

“Smarmy” is an accurate description of how most of the movie comes across. It’s also so nihilistic and pessimistic that I’m not sure it’s actually prescribing anything other than giving up.

Is it wrong though? The Marvel formula is usually the worst thing about Marvel movies - cramming in the extended universe was easily the worst thing about Shang-Chi.

Being averse to spoilers, I rather prefer this. I don’t read reviews to learn in advance what’ll happen; I read them for vague generalities like what’s the film about, what sorta tone does it have, did the reviewer enjoy it, etc.

Almost like it’s relevant or something...

I realize almost every major work of fiction nowadays spells out its themes in neon letters so as not to be misunderstood but it is in fact possible to critique colonialism without showing the colonizers overthrown completely.

The entire point of the book is undermining the Great Man theory of history, arguing that all messiahs/leaders/prophets were just people who happened to be at the right intersection of major cultural movements. 

There is such a thing as subtlety. The story makes you want to call out the white guy who sets himself up as the Messiah of the religious natives in order to get a revenge on his enemies and claim the ultimate authority in the universe for himself? Not a coincidence or an accident, you’re supposed to be bothered by

Fear is the sequel killer