Orazio Zorzotto

It’s why it’s stayed so popular.

I love stupid in a movie, but Gwen Stacey’s photoshoot in an office building that collapses was beyond the pale for me.

I can’t decide whether “FPS games need to lean into cosmetics” is an anodyne take or a spicy one. It’s certainly not one I expected to see outside of investor meetings.

I love how Iron Man 3 handled Mandarin. Both the initial presentation of the character and the undercutting reveal were one of the most clever ways by which they could update and play around with Marvel’s history of racism by ignorance. I certainly enjoyed Shang Chi’s more straight-forward presentation of the 10 Rings

+1. this article’s besmirching of Iron Man 3 is bad and the author should feel bad

Nah, the Trevor twist was awesome.

ahh, so... clearly racist, then

Sounds like an incredibly dry internal discussion of business logistics. So uncontroversial I almost fell asleep.

No, but it’s of his opinion of which we are all entitled to. So please, shut the fuck up and carry on. I too feel like he got in his feelings and took it a little out of context. Not everyone has to agree with you.

“You people?”

Because why not give kids something of value instead?

Saying that it’s okay for a movie to be shitty because it’s for kids is really insulting to children. A bad movie is a bad movie, regardless of who its target audience is.

“Where’s Wallace? Well, because of Warners’ acquisition of HBO, we can now find him! To the Wire-verse, Goofy Gophers!”

Would you rather she try to be a social media influencer or something else equally obnoxious? This is the first time in my life I’ve heard of Jessica Springsteen. Riding on the back of a horse is pretty low on the annoying list when it comes to the activities of the children of celebrities. 

Well, so... the fight was going to be two falls our of three, and it only went two, one to each, then was stopped. So there’s no defeating of Bruce Lee, nor (maybe) would there have been. And — look, I kinda get the complaint about portraying Lee as an arrogant, conceited man, but... um. He kinda was, I’ve heard.

I love how this same writer has written not one but two posts about Teigen that have worked to minimize how fucked up it was to bully someone by telling them to kill themselves: “Teigen took accountability, apologizing to Stodden in a Twitter thread. But because she knew her past actions would overshadow the surprise

I remember there was a Buffy week on the AV club shortly before Kai Cole’s public declaration about him, and the site switched gears pretty fast without any real acknowledgement of the disconnect.

A corollary of people overlooking shitty behavior of artists they like is this trend of people acting like someone who is

You do kind of have to wonder what this review would have looked like had it been the exact same show but we were still been living in the alternate universe where Joss Whedon’s shittiness hadn’t been exposed and the dominant critical mindset towards him was still a kind of fawning adulation based on him being some

I admit that I got tired of a lot of the Joss Whedon tropes mentioned here at least fifteen years ago. Still, I have to wonder if the huge amount of disdain for anything seen as a Whedonism in this wouldn’t have been here if this review had been made 3 or even 1 year ago... Even though I think he deserves everything

This was dismissed when it came out as “Ocean’s 7-11" (which I’m pretty sure was a joke that they used in the movie itself). My thing is, why is that a knock against it? Redneck Ocean’s 11, you say? Sold.