Orazio Zorzotto

I’d venture that what most people took away from the Clinton email scandal was not necessarily that she used a private server (which was, let’s face it, a terrible idea for a Secretary of State) but that she was caught lying about it repeatedly. She’d claim no classified emails were sent from it, or that she turned

Disney is actually three smaller monsters in a trenchcoat.

Yeah I read that line and thought ‘let’s not go overboard now’. ‘Elder statesman’ is fine and deserved, but ‘generous and humane’ just absolutely whitewashed Byrne.

I think you’re being a tad hyperbolic here.

Believing women means taking their claims seriously, it doesn’t literally mean anyone accused of a crime by a woman is automatically guilty so we don’t need to look into it.

That kind of playful depiction of Biden as a fun-loving party dude is... less appealing these days.”

Slayer for those dead civilians 

I can’t believe you’re accusing Hannah Gadsby of such a horrible crime. She seems like a really nice person.

Exactly zero people want her imprisoned for being a shitty boss. The only person I’ve ever seen comparing her behavior to that of rapists and creeps in Hollywood (and also Jeffrey Epstein? So I guess we’re including all the monsters in the financial circuit?) is you.

Yah she still sounds like an asshole.

“It isn’t a show that screams “the police are great” but one that goes “the police would be great if they were like this”.

That’s still copaganda though, just far more insidious.

It’s a bit like saying Gone With The Wind isn’t a film that screams “slavery is great”, but one that goes “slavery would be great if it were

Scrap the whole thing. Sell the precinct and open a new hotel called The Brooklyn Ninety-Nine. Boom. 4 more seasons. Those guys were barely cops anyway.  

It’s Tina Fey’s show and she can do what she wants with it.

Being able to watch those episodes with the benefit of hindsight seems more like a step in the right direction to me than removing them.

With all due sympathy for people who’ve experienced prejudice or trauma, I think we need a discussion about how far it’s appropriate to go in the name of not triggering people.

they remain well funded by us all clicking on these silly ass links and MST3K’ing them

eh i think it’s a one-hand washing the other type thing. people buy beatles records because you’re told, since birth, that they’re the best most important band ever, so you toe that line.

Closet republican? He had a lead role in the Benghazi movie.

“During these uncertain times, we’re all in this together...at least, until I can monetize it. Then you all are on your own.” 

As another Australian who knows our national pastimes, I bet there’ll be an otherwise soon enough.