
I think I might be the only person alive/on the internet who thought the NY stuff was pretty weak.

I think it works more than it doesn't, but when it doesn't (monster murder in ep. 1, floating head prison man in ep. 2) it takes me out of it as well.

I howled at the first shot of him, but then that scene went on for approximately 20 minutes.

I think the answer they're looking for could be something along the lines of "what difference does it make?" They need to know that these people really don't care about the world they are leaving.

We need to stop taking roles away from actual robots!

The last fifteen minutes ruined the film for me. Really enjoyed the story it set up in that "drab, talky, meandering nonsense" before it decided to rip all the meaning out of it. I like movies that actually have a complete story, rather than a twist that delegitimizes the entire story preceding it.

I'm really only familiar of him from his work on Hidden America on SeeSo, a show I really enjoyed. If your hatred just originated from his stand up then I'm really not worried about him playing a character.

Part of what makes Drive so great is that it's an overdone action movie premise executed with a brilliant, specific style. I expect this to do something similar

When Jimmy died is when I stopped watching. Not because of diminishing quality or anything like that but it felt so much like his story, especially towards the end of that season, that afterwards it didn't sit right to keep watching after his arc ended.

I still say that "Bad Pope" is the superior title choice

Frank's POV. I guess it's nice to try something new, but that's the only episode I can think of that was a complete misfire.

and just look at how well that support network worked out

Honestly now I just want to see A Very Special Twin Peaks Christmas

It's great, but I've found it hard to recommend to many people because of the subject matter. It requires a certain audience.

Sean Murray = Hillary Clinton

Well her campaign probably should have focused on those states that swung the election, then

I think you are correct in assuming a lot of people like football

This Summer … A man so old, fat, and tired … He needs to recruit anyone else … to kick ass in his place

Having multiple directors/writers definitely helps it. Previous season's episodes mostly had the same successes and drawbacks IMO. This episode suffers from the same ones.

I assumed that she was taking a lot of pictures of herself with her camera eye, then only posting the ones she liked.