I'm not convinced he has a "deep down"
I'm not convinced he has a "deep down"
I seriously doubt Jay or Jack had anything to do with the more problematic segments.
I believe I saw an interview with one of the creators (Might have been Ryan Murphy) saying that there's some sort of big twist about halfway through this season, and that it almost feels like a different show afterwards. There's definitely something that's going to happen that's going to blow up the entire premise,…
I always saw the "corporations screwing up societies" element as more of a plot device calling back to the 80s comedies McKay's other films seem to be influenced by rather than an actual interest of his.
Has to be from the greatest comedy of all time, Troll 2. Something about the magic ghost grandpa saying that he "hasn't figured out the layout of this house" gets me every single time.
I viewed European Vacation at an age where any on screen breasts made an entire film worth watching, so it has a certain sentimental value.
Papers Please, please.
a sphere?
a sphere?
I always enjoyed their song "Orange Wedge." *cough*cough*
Channing Tatum IS Radio.
And by natural causes he means an entire lifetime of massive cocaine use.
*gives Kirk Cameron Left Me Behind a dutch oven*
New Detroit Drifter
He'd probably drive around a fucking CR-V or some shit, though.
Pakistan is waiting patiently near my border!
Wasn't Robocop already remade with Matthew Broderick in the title role?
Rikkatikka tik tok tik tok tik.
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