
Both my middle school and high school aped the “California style” of school architecture—tons of open-air walkways between multiple buildings—and let me tell you it makes far less sense in the Pacific Northwest, where it’s 50 degrees and rainy half the year.

Ralph Fiennes?

the future of the site will belong to a capital organization that will find a way to monetize its decline.

“I had to rewind it to see that his ship was called the Mandela.”

I haven’t had a grasshopper in years, but they are very nostalgic for me (story time!). When I was fresh out of college, and I still has all the time in the world in the evenings, I went to a weekly Scrabble club in a swanky jazz club before they opened. The owner was part of the club and would mix everyone a drink. I

I remember watching it right when my grandma was dying of dementia and the parallels between her life and that movie freaked me out.

Grace is Dominican (her original last name is Martinez), and her character in the movie is still Latina. Her father is played by Jimmy Smits!


Mobius didn’t remember Loki because one of the Kangs has already taken over that timeline. It’s time travel so it was instantaneous, and it rewrote everything.

yes, as someone in recovery for cocaine, it’s absolutely mind boggling that we’re losing so many people:


Now playing

It’ll be like that bonus episode of Archer, where it’s just the pilot except Archer is a dinosaur and all his dialogue is replaced with growling and screeching..

The "Meet me in Daegu" episode was pretty good too. 

Yep that’s what I was doing with FalconSoldier and Loki - deducing how many characters would appear throughout their series.

Man, I love these credits.

“Surely the scene where Sylvie shows Hunter B-15 memories of her past life was meant to be a flashback montage, not just two women standing in a rainy parking lot.”

That scene worked for me. We didn’t need to see. In fact, I think the lack of flashback made it easier for viewers to put themselves in B-15's place.

Hey hey!

The movie isn’t explicitly racist, per se, but having a beloved Asian character who’s famous for, you know, being a martial arts expert, get taken down like a punk just to elevate the “cool factor” of your fictional white character isn’t a great look.

I also don’t know what was the issue with Tenet because I understood every word due to the closed captions. My brain doesn’t notice because any time I miss anything my mind subconsciously just glances at the subtitles for a millisecond and then I trick myself into thinking I heard all of it.

Considering that it’s one