
I loved s1, read all the behind the scenes stuff, and just abandoned the show.  Should I come back?

Just to add to the mess. Marvel created the Dire Wraiths, but Parker Brothers mentioned them on the ROM packaging and in the commercial. So now it’s up in the air who exactly owns them. They still regularly appear in Marvel Comics but Hasbro - who bought out Parker Brothers - has introduced their own Dire Wraiths in

But what about Rocket Raccoon’s lawyer; surely you could make a show about him?

Honestly, this is one of those films that, no matter the intent, should never be remade. I am literally peeling from memory original films that were remade that should never have been attempted: Rebecca, Psycho, Casablanca, Lady for a Day, Lost Horizon, Red Dust, Around the World in 80 Days, Time Machine, The Women,

I thought they looked like macarons (maybe blue milk flavored?)

I just noticed that Kelly Marie Tran is listed in the credits as Rose. Good for her for not being chased off by the fanboy CHUDs, she rules.

That’s fair, though he might still know a bit about the Force, he just can’t know enough to connect it to the Jedi. The overall lack of knowledge is definitely weird, but it’s a weirdness that also exists in the original trilogy. I think it’s also explainable, even if it requires a bit more creativity. I’m an American

I would love a Frog Family spinoff. 

No clear view? Humans are so ocularcentric.

It was odd to me, at first, that they just let Mando go, as if his good deeds somehow undid his crimes.

But then I remembered this is soon after the fall of the Empire, which means that these pilots were very likely part of the Rebellion. Which is the same group that made generals out of not one, but TWO former

I can’t be the only one who kept thinking, “you’re eating our babies! And it’s pronounced ‘guacamole’!” every time Baby Yoda went for one of those eggs.

It would also nicely confirm that the Prometheus crew had the intelligence of a toddler.

It’s so “do you understand what you’ve done” and I guarantee that they’ll come up with something like Grindelwald is always doing whatever the spell is blocks her power (don’t remember and don’t feel like looking it up), while ignoring that she could read the mind of all of his supporters too.

I don’t believe that anything explicitly anti-Semitic ever appeared in Dahl’s works (like there was no villain that was stated to be Jewish in his works), but a lot of people have pointed out that the description of the witches in The Witches bare a lot of similarities to anti-Semitic caricatures. There’s a lot of

Rowling wants credit for being inclusive without actually doing the work

Yup, and if you go back and look at old interviews with SMG’s colleagues during the early seasons, the one thing they all say is how incredibly impressed they were by her work ethic and her efforts to make the show as good as it could be. Granted, a lot of them were pretty new to acting, but even Tony Head talks about

OK, here’s what I remember but bear with me as it’s been over 20 years now. Buffy Season 1 had a stunt coordinator named Jeff Smolek. He plays no further role in this other than that his name was also Jeff (first). Sophia Crawford was the Buffy stunt double for Seasons 1-4. You didn’t see her do cartwheels during her

She was invited to be a guest star. You wouldn’t know it from the trailer, but Mark-Paul Gosselaar is only going to be in three episodes because of his commitment to Mixed-ish. Tiffani Thiessen is also not a series regular.

Listen, the only way I can explain the memory loss thing is to assume Bly really is its own little cosmos contained within the property lines, all the ghosts and memories stay there. That’s why Henry forgot about the soldier (which, tbh, I also forgot until you just brought it up, lol) after spending as much time as

She should be so lucky. Child doesn't even have a phone because she can't handle technology without committing felonies. And not cool felonies like hacking, either.