
I thought the dancing sort of works since it’s like a manifestation of all his worst qualities still only gets Maguire’s Parker to self-satisfied borderline-redpiller dork, but ultimately he’s so good that he’s harmless and pretty much no one falls for it.

Which direction towards Seattle would you have to take? If you end up in Tukwila you’re in about a ten mile diameter of Church’s, Jolibees, and Ezell’s/Heaven Sent—the latter two being dueling businesses after a rift and arguing who lays claim to being Oprah’s favorite fried chicken 30+ years ago.

She actually was originally announced as part of the cast but presumably fell out for scheduling reasons. 

I thought there were a couple surprises—

I think there were hints of potentially fun things for Gemma Chan to do, but it seemed like they leaned a little too far into an offscreen epic romance or making her a compassionate god type— when there were so many other throughlines that would have been fun if they just spent a smidgen more time.

It’s interesting “so and so” is such a part of his vocabulary since I still mostly associate it with his “Mohammad so-and-so” press quote from Exodus, which soured me on his persona.

I really like Dunst but I have absolutely seen casual sniping about her being referred to as snaggletooth(ed) I feel like here or over at Vulture pretty frequently.

In Sorry to Bother You wasn’t the whole point of Crew’s character that he was either dumb or desperate enough to fall for the evil corporation’s indentured servitude scheme? Not that it’s exactly the same but it has the same sort of cheery energy as the propaganda in that movie.

I didn’t come away with the idea that Amazon was a glorious job? Even if they did somehow manage to negotiate actually filming in a facility it seemed relatively value-neutral to negative.

The Regal system has/had its appeal where if you buy a ticket to all out of a set of 3-4 movies from a studio then you’d get free digital copies of them on release, in addition to their point system. I’ve gleaned that you still get those digital downloads even if getting tickets via their Unlimited program but I’m

She has a super weird energy when doing comedies, but I feel like she’s pretty often funny? Even if it mostly goes alongside serious/grim/frazzled performances. The rom com components of Australia were the most effective parts of that weirdly mashed together film and some of what she did in Moulin Rouge was incredibly

I’ve never seen an Imax movie in the suburbs since I figured the multiplexes must have way smaller downscaled ones, even if they’re the same aspect ratio and maybe you get the same effect if the seats are closer.

Oh that is an excellent point— I loved that series even if I momentarily forgot it existed, and even some of their other supporting characters were heavily tied to non-made up historical events and in ways I found pretty respectful/tasteful for the most part.

There are at least two other “but what about” posts, but honestly isn’t Incredible Hulk the worst of the Marvel movies?

For me I’d swap Pilgrim and World’s End. It seemed like a great cast and they had pretty good chemistry with each other in Pilgrim—  but it has gotten a little distracting to me how non-white and non-male characters are either ciphers or non-entities in a lot of Wright’s things.

Magneto was/is heavily tied to the Holocaust and I think it mostly was handled with a degree of taste (granted I still haven’t seen the one where he apparently destroys an ex-concentration camp?).

Does he even acknowledge the existence of the current cartoons? (Speaking of revisiting things, I apparently never realized he was a producer on the movie Lemony Snicket/Unfortunate Events before he directed the TV series.)

I’m not sure if it was mostly the ghost effects, but it also seemed like there were essentially no sets built for this special and everything was just bluescreened into a CG background?

I read about the tete a tete in the second episode and how it was originally a 12 minute exchange between the two characters in the rec room, but it got cut down to 8 minutes by the final episode and I didn’t realize it was that long.

Was Be Cool well received? I remember a lot of buzz about Mystery Inc right before it for its serialized storytelling so there were a bunch of die hard bon-child fans. After a bunch of initial disappointment for the Be Cool character designs being a lot more contemporary animation, I don’t think I ever really saw