
I assume there had to be a little size component to this— there was way more prolonged torture for the audience watching a larger woman burst out of a smaller vessel than with Christina coming out of William. It also seemed like they pointedly hired a darker skin skinny actress as the under-qualified clerk so any

I assume the Louboutin reference was in the song and I figured originally it was in reference to the Hillary flesh sloughing off her, but after drawing attention to that line I think it was an even more problematic choice for the sexual violence to be tied to triumph.

I couldn’t make sense of that either— I’m unclear if the show meant all the white women knew that was the cost of getting into the workforce and they just all learned to accept it (or they relished the positive attention like when they kept staring at William?)... Or if they really did think he was an upright family

So I haven’t read the book but I’m not really sure what the show did that made Hiram into a Jewish stereotype.

I didn’t really see any consistencies across him going after only Hillary and Tamara, other than to try and make Ruby’s vengeance seem more pointed and hypothetically earned? (Or are we supposed to be appalled she would take Christina for her word and pretty immediately takes steps beyond any of Lettie’s depicted

Fair point, but I still feel like they have squandered a lot of narrative time setting up or alluding to plot details or character machinations that don’t matter or hold together. 

The Marvel movies constantly backtracked. If you set aside the comedic post-credit stingers or ones that were actual footage from a film they’d already produced, I think a bunch them teased a bunch of details that they dropped eventually or they only thematically teased at tie-ins but didn’t follow through. (Firing

It seems like a dick move to either implicate or otherwise hurt the livelihood of a quasi-ally since he presumably has a tenuous position and it seems like stealing that artifact in particular would draw the attention of the cult rather than flying under the radar. (I also missed if that ever did end up becoming

Rosa definitely seems more the Daphne since she’s the cooler looking one and Amy arguably is nerdier and the brainy-ish one, but also I think it makes sense that Amy could be the more Type A, most rule abiding planner along the lines of Fred?

I rewatched Josie in the last couple months and after forgetting some of the casual (typical 2000s teen) homophobia in Bring It On. I was surprised that for such a light movie and it’s general aesthetic that they used way more language than I would have expected though I didn’t realize it was a PG-13 rating. 

For added context one of the hosts is a writer on the series and presumably privy to more information about where both characters are going or what their respective states of mind were meant to be, and I was somewhat distracted while I listened to it so maybe they did have a whole discussion unpacking the rest of it

The sex scene was a little jarring to me particularly in light of how the official HBO podcast hosts leaned into how hot they found it. While the initial kiss seemed like a sweet moment of connection and the camera seemed to sexualize his body as much as if not more than hers, I was surprised they didn’t particularly

I think they were vampiric in the sense that they turned people into more of them and George evoked Dracula to theorize a weakness (though to all light instead of sunlight).

Interpreting that as remote context, I thought it worked enough.

I did a very cursory search, but what were the logistics of the space she performed in? For a remote thing it was surprisingly more edited than I expected and I assume the guitarist is her brother, but was the drummer supposed to have a COVID barrier?

It’s only one block away from a college (Good?), but on the other hand it is on the same block as a Subway. (Bad. Also it’s surrounded on two sides by the current jail.)

I think Vaughn and his screenwriter, Jane Goldman, have done a lot of wonders adding to some of the things they have adapted into film— even if there have been a lot of gross missteps as well.

Not cheating per se, but the ABC Muppets show did make that choice to have Kermit date another and somehow more conventionally glam pig?

I thought there were tons of specifics that were a little lost on me. Not movie breaking, but hints towards broader trends so it was interesting reading interviews with the translator sacrificing literal meaning for shorthands English speakers would get, while other things were left implied. (Making up ram-don for

There is the diner scene where I thought they initially mistook Zhang Ziyi’s character for a boy? As for reading comprehension, I’m so confused by Yeoh being mentioned as appearing in the new Mulan movie when it doesn’t seem like anywhere else draws attention to this (unless it’s a spoiler/surprise cameo?)