There are lots of things, mainly knowledge retention and application. Specifically, I have noticed a dangerous trend in my area concerning right of way etiquette: “Dangerous courtesy”
There are lots of things, mainly knowledge retention and application. Specifically, I have noticed a dangerous trend in my area concerning right of way etiquette: “Dangerous courtesy”
Highway onramps are for accelerating up to highway speeds.
+1 for the stupid always-illuminated gauges. So many people these days drive at night without their lights on because of this stupid change made to cars in recent years.
I’m not sure why these BMW owners are disabling that mirror feature. It’s was the exact opposite in the C7 Corvette: mirror tilt was disabled by default and you had to dig into the menus to enable it. It’s a golden feature for seeing the lines on parking spaces when backing into a spot.
1000% disagree with the Adjustable Power Seats....
It’s largely because these guys grew up listening to their dads and grandads joke about being bullying assholes and pulling stunts like this, and how the sheriff would give it a wink and a nod and do nothing, and it would just be a funny story to tell later.
Maybe that’s just his pick-up line.
This very morning, cycling along minding my own business in the bike lane. Stop at a red light. Guy pulls up at the light and shouts “fag”. Nobody else in the car to “impress” - just a weird hatred of people getting some exercise.
1: Do asshole thing and show it for all to see.
This. Had I been in the Raptor and seen that idiot approaching from behind, I would have sped up and gotten into the right lane so he could go on his merry way. I don’t want to be around those kinds of idiots any longer than I have to.
Have you watched any of the current season where they moved back to the UK? No Edd unfortunately, but they have a former F1 mechanic Marc “Elvis” Priestly and he’s far better than Ant Anstead.
All I can say is at least we have MotorWeek. My dad introduced me to the show back in the 80's and I have been hooked ever since. I grew up about five minutes away from Maryland Public Television’s HQ (they were the station that has produced the show since it started in 1981) and every once and awhile we would see…
Regardless of their motivations, it’s nice to see they did the kid a solid.
Yeah, give the PR guy a raise. This was probably cheaper than buying a TV ad and I’m sure will sway a lot more buyers to shop at their dealership instead.
I’m sure the PR value they’ll get from this is far above what the car cost them.
Nebraska is the least judgmental place I’ve ever been.
It’s going to be ok, I promise. The people outside the city are not out to get you.