Oranges w/Cheese

@Brookespeed: This is not Orlando International, this is a small, mostly regional airport about 30 minutes NORTH of MCO.

@KillerBee: I've never had an issue with SFO's security. Its a very small airport, and they're always pleasant and courteous.

@Hohlraum: Wouldnt' that also mean you gain fewer calories from said food? If so, drinking while eating is a boon.

@SergioAM: If I drink anything in large quantities before I eat breakfast I feel ill.

@Lensflare: It is indeed one of the signifiers of possible diabetes or insulin issues. One of the first signs with cats, anyway, is if they drink copiously or play with water often.

It may get rid of that hungry feeling but it does nothing to help me not keep eating when I feel like my belly is gonna burst.

@wyldrose: Same. I have an hour commute, live up north, and have to be at work at 8. It's quite literally KILLING me to get up at 6. It's impossible.

#2 and #4 are the hardest for me, namely I have to be out of my house for work no later than 7am so I can arrive at work at 8. That means I have to get up at 6am. Usually that would mean going to bed at 10pm. SCREW THAT. Not only am I never tired (regardless of the general lack of sleep from nights before) at that

@Platypus Man: Same, I moved from Orlando to Michigan!

@ZeroCool898: Most people? I'm glad that you can afford $99.99 for that luxury, but I cannot O_o

@the1hangingchad: I don't. The only reason I get the magazines I get is because they were free or gifts. And I listen to NPR, which is thankfully advertising free, as well.

And Don't forget if you're unfortunate enough to have an AT&T locked down device (and haven't flashed something else on it yet) you can use the Sideload wonder machine to get your non-market apps on your phone.

I think that its' also sort of important to notice that the xrays went about 20 feet away to the people who weren't even in the scanner. So does that mean if you're in line NEAR the thing you're getting irradiated too? I fear for the health of the TSA officers that have to administer these things day in and day out.

Even better, use silver wrapping, and changeup the ribbons!

@Demonicume: That's terrible O_O if pilots can go through in uniform, surely, they'll afford you the same courtesy!?

@mgj.admin1: Doesn't even have to do that. C4 may not taste good, but its perfectly non-toxic and can be eaten.

@shallnot: I like the others because it doesn't have the taskbar or the buttons - basically removes you totally from the Windows experience.

@Terry: Colors are customizable, and Ommwriter makes really OBNOXIOUS noises. I think the others go for light on dark because its easier on your eyes.