Oranges w/Cheese

Unless this allows you to MOVE the unity bar, nothing will get me to start using Unity.

Any ideas on how to break a habit that has been ground into someone since childhood? Growing up with a military dad, I learned to eat quick fast and in a hurry. I also ALWAYS clean my plate (ground into me from preschool onward) even if I'm no longer hungry.

I've never been pregnant, and I've had stretch marks on my belly my entire life because I kept yo-yoing my weight in high school. If my boobs got bigger, I'd be happy. As it is I'm lucky if I can half fill a B cup

See, this is why I don't want to have a baby or become pregnant. I *just started* my life. I finally have the career of my dreams. Why in the seven hells would I give that up just to become pregnant?

Saturated fat, from coconut or from dairy IS NOT BAD FOR YOU. It is necessary for healthy brain function and energy. You're better off eating fat than the fat-free chemical laden pseudo-food that people eat these days.

I commute 53 miles one way to work each day - takes about 50 minutes. I use the time to listen to audio books. Considering I'm at work from 8-5 and I am also taking classes, its about the only time I can really spend on a leisure activity. It bums me out that I can't be more active and I spend all day sitting either

What about if, by going to bed early and getting up earlier, you totally miss out on seeing the other people in your household who don't get home until 7, 8, 9pm?

Also a great way to kill fleas and roaches (Borax acts as a dessicant and prevents them from being able to form their shells). Just be aware that large amounts of the stuff is fatal to infants and pets - if you spread it on the carpet make sure to rub it in very well with a broom or something similar.

If you can't figure out why it won't run on an iphone 4, then it shows how dedicated to Apple you really are.

No, I'm not your husband :D But I do have a commute, normally arrive home before my boyfriend and end up cooking for the both of us. I *want* to go to the gym and do other things, but that means not getting home until 8 and that's no reasonable time to be eating dinner.

How do you get your significant other interested in cooking on a regular basis so that one person doesn't have to do it all the time?

Given that I was brainwashed as a small child to make "Happy Plates," smaller plates would probably help me eat less.

It wasn't 100% internal. If you read the apology, the onus lies mainly with the hosting company who hosed up their servers.

It's because the hosting company took the backup database offline at the same time. WHO DOES THAT?!

What's the use of having insanely good download speed if you hit your bandwidth cap in 2 seconds?

Body swapping, here we come.


Learn how to use mail merge in Word or another software. Make one paragraph totally free form so it seems more genuine. Viola. []

One of the older sony's had a touch screen. Not new.

Can I take notes on it? Is it not locked down by DRM? Pass.