My problem with the current IE tab extension is that it keeps Deposit @ home from working in FireFox. Any idea if this does the same?
My problem with the current IE tab extension is that it keeps Deposit @ home from working in FireFox. Any idea if this does the same?
I would always fold over the corner, tear downward and then fold the tabs.
This might actually be my next technology purchase. This plus a wifi router. Screw paying $70 for cable!
So iphone owners get it for free.. and what? That doesn't make sense.
Problem with this is going to be the "something I need or lack."
Woohoo, its friday! :D
Thank GOD! I have absolutely despised the cut-through paging in voicemail for such a long time. Given that you can't leave a message and a page at the same time its ridiculously stupid.
@Bezike: Two to Four Dollars? 79c at 7-11 baybee!
@phoenix: Hate to be the one paying your power bill O_O
What a waste of electricity! I'd always get on my boyfriends case for this.
@cheeebs: You can put some distributed computing apps on it too! Help make the world a better place :D
You can also force itunes to use a cart instead of doing instant purchases. This is similar to the wishlist. I've had several tracks hanging out in my cart for almost a year now, just because I realized I don't need them OMGRIGHTNAO
You can put any sort of frozen fruit (strawberries, mango, peaches) straight into a blender with a little bit of cream, milk, or oj and make yourself a sorbet without any ice required.
Vote: JK Defrag
The only major problem with this has absolutely nothing to do with the program but everything to do with my phone - which asks me about every 5 seconds if I'm ok with using the data connection, regardless of if I have an unlimited plan or not!
Oh wow, this looks really cool! I can consolidate all these little java apps I have running on here. Now all it needs is a Gmail app. (though I like the one google puts out)
@Diet-Orange-Soda: It's called boiling water. Done.
@GitEmSteveDave_♥'sRenegadeIrishman: That's sort of understandable, but in most places today you get a fridge & microwave. You could do this in 10 minutes in a radiation box.
In a hotel room, ok - but at home? Much faster to just cook it all in one frying pan on the stove. 30 minutes just for the chicken? No thanks.