Oranges w/Cheese

@InCahoots: Its her organs! Where else are they going to live in that skeletal frame, my god!

@squidproquo: Well, what they teach you there aside, its more annoying how they look at her as a "treasure" because she's well to do and white (and chose not to have an abortion) and then continuously say a black woman on welfare is a slut, abortion or not. And the names! My god. Tripp? Come the fuck on.

@jokono: I could see this being a benefit if you have to ssh into multiple servers at once and are lacking in screen real estate. A tabbed SSH would be really nice.

@Kevin Purdy: I think the internet was on fire this noon. EVERYONE seemed to be having problems at the crux of the moment.

I'd USE pidgin if it would quit crashing on my computer. Used it for years, and then poof, crash with each start so I'm forced to use Digsby. I dislike it.

@danio3834: Basically the only thing you may be minimizing your use of is gasoline, and even then, the whole thing is made of plastic which is - you guessed it - a petroleum product!

@Chris P. Bacon: Our gas is already back up and pushing $2.00. Don't think it'll be reasonable for a very long time.

Its great that they're providing all sorts of nifty new ways to afford a car...

@tombest610: IT depends on how hard you're sweating. Walking only burns something like 300 calories / hr depending. Running is more like 600 but I don't know too many people who can just get up off the couch and run for an hour.

@t3knomanser: I made my own pizza last night and it was delish! And it couldn't have been too bad for me.

@Troy F.: Agreed. Considering that some *salads* at the Cysco food restaurants have upwards of 1000 calories.. there's something wrong here.

@zarathustra: Sumo wrestlers are super healthy. Its all about the *type* of fat.

@Glen Gomez: Its not about the fat and it isn't about the carbs, its about the FAKE crap going into our food. They're chemicalizing and simplifying all the molecules in our food so that our bodies don't have to do any work to digest the stuff and thus it goes straight to our thighs.

@Jello Mix: They aren't bears.. they're actually more closely related to koalas (also not bears).

Besides the eyecandy though, its still Vista under the hood, though a thoroughly cleaned up and tuned Vista. Everything is still in weird places, familiar interfaces are all screwed up and overall it'd take me a month to get used to how everything works.

I can't get transparency to work, thus the "desktop peek" function doesn't work for me. What do I need to enable?

Ok, where's the eject button, then?

Golden Gate Bridge! And down down down to Alcatraz and CONVICTS!

@SnusBeorn: Sort of the same way people are whining and complaining about Vista?