
All it really suggests is that our bone structure was not subjected to the same evolutionary pressures that the chimpanzees were though, right?

Is it more primitive if the hand can change the world around it rater than being changed by the world?

The IPCC projects less than 1 meter of sea level rise by 2100 in its WORSE CASE SCENARIO (read: over 4C of warming by 2100):

I don’t understand the point of this aircraft.

All the other replyers are misunderstanding OrangePendeks, who is NOT contradicting the NASA study but rather the many people who are drawing mistaken conclusions from it.

it seems that dark pole on Charon might be real and not an artifact.


Newton’s third law of contemporary political correctness:

I think the only way it would be done ethically is if NASA is defunded and we just don’t bother looking for another hundred years or so.


Any myriad of valid to flawed reasons I should think.

By far one of the spookiest places in New York City is the Green-Wood Cemetery Chapel, circa 1911:

The public has spokane!

Althought, due to distance, the pictures still look as if they were taken by a potato.

Translation: Charon looks like a sphere and not like a potato.

You do know that cooling the atmosphere will not help anything, don't you? It will only make life more difficult by starving everybody out. We need the sunlight we get. We need the seas to warm and redistribute their wealth to the oppressed and downtrodden uplands. Only then can we enjoy a global climate plateau such