

There’s also the more obvious explanation:

Oh yes, let me use this foreign culture that I know little about solely for the purpose of bashing western civilization. Sigh.

Fantastic non sequitur, 10/10.

You are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime though.

The Rind et al. controversy was a debate in the scientific literature, public media, and government legislatures in the United States regarding a 1998 peer reviewed meta-analysis of the self-reported harm caused by child sexual abuse (CSA). The debate resulted in the unprecedented condemnation of the paper by both

The Rind et al. controversy was a debate in the scientific literature, public media, and government legislatures in the United States regarding a 1998 peer reviewed meta-analysis of the self-reported harm caused by child sexual abuse (CSA). The debate resulted in the unprecedented condemnation of the paper by both

God you are terrible at analogies. We’re not talking about a highly likely event X that won’t come to pass only if a highly unlikely event Y happens. Rather, we’re talking about predictions that are sketchy from the get go. If there is no reason to trust a certain prediction in the first place (peak oil, peak food,

So doesn’t that prove hermtownhomy’s point? Their predictions were off because they made a number of false assumptions.

He makes a good point too. But you can’t accept that because your brain is too clogged up with “EHRMAHGERD DEMZ EVIL REPULIKKKANZ!!!”

No, he actually makes a good point, which is that the relationship between increasing global temperatures and the ACE Index is not very clear at the moment.

Neither the Atlantic nor the Pacific ACE Index is showing any correlation with global warming whatsoever:

Neither the Atlantic nor the Pacific ACE Index is showing any correlation with global warming whatsoever:

Neither the Atlantic nor the Pacific ACE Index is showing any correlation with global warming whatsoever:

Neither the Atlantic nor the Pacific ACE Index is showing any correlation with global warming whatsoever:

So you would spend millions of dollars to revamp the entire NYC Subway system with its dozens of derelict stations so that one disabled person could commute to work on the subway even though he could easily take any one of the MTA’s wheelchair-accessible buses instead?

Flowing water.

What’s the number of people that commute to work on a wheelchair? Whatever the number is, it’s bound to be vanishingly small. So you propose that we should spend millions of dollars to retrofit every single up-to-111 year-old subway station with wheelchair-accessible elevators/ramps etc when every bus in NYC is

Courtesy of the guys that gave us god.

It’s not just discrimination anymore, it’s something deeper.