Flowing water.
Flowing water.
In other words: full loss of diversity in the name of diversity.
In other words: full loss of diversity in the name of diversity.
Given that most of the violence in black communities is directed at other black people I don’t see how making those communities less violent would only benefit white people. Do explain.
I take it that this is what a feminist looks like, no?
Being dozens of yards away, with a high-powered rifle, or using technology to track the animal down in order to crossbow it, and then doing it so shittily that it drags itself around for a day or two before expiring, is NOT, for me, hunting.
And let’s not even talk about how lions obtain their food...
I believe this is a video about the lion, I might be mistaken though...
The South does not consider its Confederate military leaders to be the equivalents of Hitler or Goebbels. Rather, it sees them at worst as defenders of the heretofore accepted institution of slavery (which formed the economic backbone of the region and thus provided for the livelihood of its white inhabitants) from…
Empathy Challenge 101:
Clearly this incident will spawn off a horde of “insightful” articles placing the actions of this one man in the “larger context” of “whiteness” and comparing it to other historical incidents of a similar nature followed by the usual rage/lamentation about the “war on black people”.
I read that in a very high-pitched, squeaky voice.
The blackest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say was: “bich, r u out yo cotton pickin’ mind?”