
You could say that, but their idea of respect is so much different than ours. It’s based on hierarchies.

But I thought race was a purely social construct?

“Major” Hurricanes. Sorry, I left out that part. But it just shows how easily statics can be massaged to fit either side of an argument. Add a word, leave a word out, say what you want, and preach to the people who want to hear it. My point is, I’m keeping an open mind. In the 70’s, experts told us we were heading

Oh, good! Throw logic at the environmentalists. That’ll keep things nice and calm.

It has been a record 120 months without a hurricane making landfall in the US. During that time, weather experts continued predicting hurricane seasons would be average or above average number of hurricanes as well as above average intensity. They were wrong. Weather experts. Wrong. Year after year.

I am not sure I believe this research. We were supposed to have more hurricanes now that global warming/climate change is here and we have had less. What has it been, 9 years since the last hurricane to make landfall?

Seems to me that no one knows what the hell is going on. So why should we believe these guys claiming

(1) Quite frankly, a “precept” is not a word that is often used in science. If I follow the definition that you provided, it is not at all obvious that a scientific precept cannot be derived by scientific means. For example, the Principle of the Conservation of Momentum (which is scientifically derived) can be

Three questions:

There is no gravity in the non-inertial reference frame of the falling object. In that reference frame, the gravitational force is almost exactly cancelled out by the pseudo force caused by the object’s acceleration.

sweet! now we have propaganda apps!

Meh. We’ve been through worse before:

You are implying here that an invention is something arbitrary and provincial; I do not think that is the case. Inventions are ultimately nothing more and nothing less than the product of man’s intelligence combined with a particular environment and the resources it bears (be they geological, biological, social,

You should really look into the context of the quotes you use before you post them completely context free.

It’s not Children of Men (because no government is actually imposing any truly draconian immigration measures)

So do you really think that over 1 in 2 young Britons in Victorian England were hiding their homosexual inclinations all the time? I think it’s far more likely that most of them wouldn’t have those inclinations in the first place simply by growing up and living in a far more conservative environment. In the ancient

So, for many people, being gay is a choice after all...

With one exception...

All of contemporary politics in one article.

I will take the categorical pronouncements of scientists like Carroll a little more seriously when they give me an explanation for dark matter and energy.