
Eh, it’s just my Jewdar acting up, that’s all. Schematic below:

Jew detected.

But why?

In other words: full loss of diversity in the name of diversity.

In other words: full loss of diversity in the name of diversity.

(1) Quite frankly, a “precept” is not a word that is often used in science. If I follow the definition that you provided, it is not at all obvious that a scientific precept cannot be derived by scientific means. For example, the Principle of the Conservation of Momentum (which is scientifically derived) can be

If Spanish is not the best alphabet for typing purposes then Chinese looks like it was purposely made not to be ever typed on a keyboard. I mean, I think holding down the alt key is a pain in the ass when typing in Spanish, but it’s actually an absolute pleasure compared to the infamous Wubi method that is one of the

The point is that English is better suited to typing than Spanish because it doesn’t have any accent marks, and that’s all that matters on the internet.

Totally agree. Which is why English is superior to Spanish because it is more economical in the number of characters it uses.

I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but of late there has been a massive push to develop a big-O Objective Morality which is basically equated with “the prevention of harm to conscious entities” and with “empathy”. This ties in well with both Peter Singer’s “The Expanding Circle” style of Utilitarianism and Sam

(1) A “precept of science”, let alone a “central precept of science”, is something that is derived by scientific means. Morality or ethics is not something derived by scientific means, so it is external to or (at best) complementary to science. So my question remains: how can an ethical hypothesis be “a central

(1) Isn’t that like a logical contradiction m8?

Three questions:

There is no gravity in the non-inertial reference frame of the falling object. In that reference frame, the gravitational force is almost exactly cancelled out by the pseudo force caused by the object’s acceleration.

The worst part is that since the Apollo program we have NOT developed any technologies that would make space travel significantly cheaper than it was back in 1969. That’s a full 46+ whole years of very little progress, and no, you cannot blame it all on “NASA is not getting the funding it used to”. If we get to Mars

Well at least you’re honest.

This weather app is still propaganda no matter what idiocy you try to throw at me.

I could show you with numbers that there are racial differences in intelligence. I could even make an app that constantly reminds you of this fact. I take it then that you would NOT consider this to be propaganda.

I have never been deliberately ignorant, so your attempt at ridicule has failed.

Meh. The only thing you’ve proved is that you’re as good at cherry-picking as I am.