
It’s all verifiable information, regardless of who makes use of it.

Again, that’s not how science works. Even the most eminent scientists can be wrong, and Hansen’s predictions have so far all been alarmist exaggerations. You write from a position of authority, but that authority ultimately comes from the authority of just one climate scientist (and his research team) — not a

As you should. It’s the most prophetic book ever written.

One man’s research does not science make.

Has Mr. Hansen made any other alarmist predictions in the past? Did they pan out? Hmmm. Let’s find out:

At the same time sea levels are going to rise 10 feet by 2060

Meanwhile, in the Atlantic:

It’s not Children of Men (because no government is actually imposing any truly draconian immigration measures)

At this point our conversation is going nowhere. Let’s just agree to disagree on the standards by which we define people.

I think it is necessary to distinguish between sub-conscious attraction (if such a concept even makes sense) and conscious attraction. Definitions of pedophilia always assume a conscious attraction and I have never, ever seen “sub-conscious attraction” mentioned in such definitions.

That neither confirms nor refutes what I have said.

If you are never conscious of any pedophiliac inclinations then any sub-conscious pedophiliac inclinations that you may or may not have are going to be entirely irrelevant to your daily life as far as pedophilia is concerned.

In that sense, if we have a subconscious sexual attraction to children, we are a pedophile (by the consistent use of the term pedophile as it is defined in the English language as a person that finds children sexually attractive... neither conscious thought nor physical action are a component of this definition...

If societal conditions don’t change “tomorrow” or at any other time in your life then some aspects of your sub-conscious can indeed be irrelevant to your everyday life.

That may be true but only to the extent that the sub-conscious affects the conscious. In the case of pedophiliac inclinations that does not seem to be a concern for most men living in our present society, but was certainly a concern in many, many ancient societies.

Is pedophilia relevant to most men in modern Greece today? ...It was certainly relevant to them in ancient times when it was clearly not just confined to the sub-conscious realm.