
I was really excited for this but Steve Heisler's review of it made me pretty wary. The humor seems to be the main selling point and I've played very few games that were intentionally funny. Probably the only games I've found really funny were the Portal games. Lucas Arts adventure games and Double Fine games usually

This is a really produced album and sometimes it bothered me and other times it didn't. Some songs sound like they could fit in with Matchbox 20 and Goo Goo Dolls on some late 90s Adult Alternative station but fortunately their actual songs are better than those bands. It works with the slower, prettier but the more

I have this foreboding feeling that we're not done with Robin/Ted romantic relationship yet. They hint the mother might die, leaving Ted single and some pictures I saw from the finale were suggestive of Robin and Barney's marriage not lasting. Also there was something about the way Future Ted said "Legendary." It was

I like when she and Forrest have the argument about whether or not racism should get zero stars. It is like this site and their reluctance to give out F's or A+'s.

I did see it and was really good in it for the reasons Lovely Bones stated. He should be getting more dramatic work like his friend Bob Odenkirk. And more Non-Chipmunks comedic work too.

This episode reminded me that David Cross is a good actor. I had no reason to feel invested in the family drama but he and Jonathan Banks sold it. Of course I should never doubt David Cross is a good actor because The Audition:…

A because I don't care about clarity and consistency. But it may be because mostly the only thing I can remember is the Kugler trailer.

Nick Drake "Place To Be"

Mission of Burma "Academy Fight Song"

Microphones "The Moon"

Led Zeppelin "Battle of Evermore"

Joy Division "Twenty Four Hours"

Galaxie 500 "Blue Thunder"

Frank Black "Headache"

The Exploding Hearts "I'm a Pretender" or "Modern Kicks"

Already done in Season 2

Interpol "Obstacle 1"

Queens of the Stone Age "No One Knows"

The Who "A Quick One While He's Away"