
Alfredo sauce is gross and one-dimensional, FIGHT ME

A family of candy asses.

It’s not art. Something isn’t art just because you say it is. If that were true, I could claim that this comment is art and is therefore valued at approximately $50. Therefore, The Takeout must pay me my $50 for this art.

A good point is not equivalent to good art.

Theft is still a crime. You do a crime, and you run the risk of this type of return on you. Which is why most people don’t do the crimes...Sad all the way around, but personal responsibility has to kick in at some point.

Similar boat - first baby came last year - had been in the market for a bit and bought a new 2018 XT last week - pretended to waffle on waiting for the 2019 to try and incentivize the dealers to make a deal happen now before quarter end, when in reality I had little interest in waiting as I’d read the rumors it would

And the scary part is, that’s not the only one

It arrives this Fall.

0% ends on the 31st. Been on a hunt for a Outback myself.

Expected arrival of October-ish.

They’re all safe right? and subaru reliability? Get a lower mileage XT.

I picked up mine last fall with 0%. I financed the entire bundle because why not, it’s free money. Rolled the down payment into my mutual fund account and am making money. It’s not much but better than paying interest.

I currently own a 2014 XT, yeah I’m a pleab.

Do yourself a favor and buy a 2018 XT.

Fuck the misogyny that created this sham of a male. Fuck the pulpy at-right edgelording neckbeard bitches on the rings of this fucking cultural splash.

I guess so!

I guess so!

I still say that Star Trek (2009) is far and away the best Trek movie ever made

I still say that Star Trek (2009) is far and away the best Trek movie ever made

I like that front end.

Our store re-wheels them about once a year. But most need it in half that time. I’ve read that an average cart will go about 30,000 miles in its lifetime.