The concept of Danity Kane was created by and for the Chinese in order to make female U.S. singing groups non-competitive.
The concept of Danity Kane was created by and for the Chinese in order to make female U.S. singing groups non-competitive.
Nah, they are fine. The added characters do not factor into the storyline at all, they actually play well and fit in with the rest in style. They feel like they belong, even if they do not fit in storywise.
You could just say you hate fun.
My least favorite type of internet comment is, “why haven’t you covered this topic?? It must be a conspiracy of silence!” Thanks for having the receipts.
This is actually not true- games used to be heavily censored back in the day, but it rarely ever happens these days, outside of third Reich imagery (swastikas and sig runes, mostly).
Love it!
Once I give them that information I no longer respond to the queries. It’s really that simple. If I feel like I absolutely need to I tell them to please reference my previous email on the subject and if they’re being an ass about it I start copying the next layer up in management.
I send responses to the person’s boss. In my company I’m a department unto myself so when staff keep asking me the same question I copy their boss on it and say “I’ve provided both you and your supervisor with the location for this information in anticipation of future requests. Please refer to them if this should be…
Maybe try, “My current priorities don’t allow me to look this up for you again in a timely fashion. Please refer to my previous email on the subject.” ?
Older than time itself.
OH man what a great way to end the workday. This has me rolling!
I really like Kix. It’s simple enough and not too sugary to the point of beetus.
Holy shit, this passes as newsworthy? There are literally 100,000 worse things being done by kids right this second.
It is funny how the wokest of the woke, Isha Aran, is basically saying “they all look alike”.
She can’t tell the difference between Asians sitting upon that high horse of hers.
Why did you just rattle off a bunch of random Asian dudes? Wouldn’t it need to be specifically someone of mixed raced descent who is both Japanese and white? Steven Yeun is Korean if I am not mistaken. Same with Kang and Kyson. It is wildly offensive for you to just assume that all people from Asia are the same.…
Ehh, I’ll give it a go. I am somewhat of an introvert but I always look for a dog when I am at social engagements. If I can, I bring my own dog. Such a good excuse for ending conversations and leaving early.
Take this, damn you.
McGraw and Nelly, too. :(