
If you have a Pentax SLR pick up the 50mm f/1.4 - beautiful lens.

I use a thing called the Puffer - it improves the on camera flash enough to be usable. No replacement for a proper flash unit, but you don't always want to lug one around.

Yes, building codes have come a long way, but...

Very Generally speaking, the idea of "safety" is all about risk vs reward - severity vs probability. How likely is it that something bad will happen to me while taking part in X activity. Something might have a high risk of injury but be highly unlikely - like flying. A lot of people fly every day and the consequences

Is there a citation for Dr. Jonathan Links comment? I work in EH&S and am interested to know the context of his comment. Thanks.

I work with a radiologist who definitely subscribes to radiation hormesis - she says her body doesn't feel as good when she works away from low levels of radiation for a while.

Solid, well informed comment to a not-so-informed article. I had just pulled out my ACGIH Threshold Limit Value book to find the yearly exposure limits for radiation - 50 mSv it is!

Well, to be fair, only one of them is doing it wrong. The other is demonstrating proper form for executing "The Shocker".

NSFW? How so? This is not even close to the most disturbing thing I've seen at work....then again, I do work at a hospital...

...oh, and I never had a laser disc - my school did though - and the only reason I would have a 3D capable set would be for its 2D abilities.

Has nobody mentioned the sweet "Sith Park" t-shirt the guy in the picture is wearing?!?

That's exactly what I was thinking. If they're so pissed that Nokia is trashing Symbian, maybe they should have focused more time on making it suck less.

The institution I work for developed an iPhone app (Android, iPad are in development) for accessing internal medical records (of our 500,000+ patients per year). Nearly all of the 1,000+ (so far) downloads by our physicians are used regularly and save time for charting, viewing medical images, etc. It was even used by

I don't see what the big deal is about the new layout - I like it. But then again, I like change - and adblock...

@rcs914: In this case, I agree that it is stealing - stealing thunder. As another commenter pointed out, what if NBC wanted to use this in some type of "looking back" special and planned on using this and other never-before-seen or lost-and-forgotten clips as sort of a teaser to draw viewers Now if they show it people

@darkgroove: I think Mulholland Drive is one of the ultimate mind-fucks.

@stryder100: Yeah - I started the vid, saw it was 58 mins, remembered I was at work, took time to comment, continued checking my other morning routine websites before looking for other ways to not do work. 58 minutes is too long for a video, I don't have that kind of time at work!

@thehouserules: I'd still rather stare at these for 95 minutes than their theatrical namesake.

I wasn't interested in reliving my xmas at home, but thank you anyway.