
@DH: I like that it takes into account any correction factors for your specific camera so you only have to enter the mm of the actual lens....thanks for posting.

@AdrianoBatista: Suunto is a Finnish company and they actually make some pretty sweet stuff. Any SCUBA diver will know Suunto - their dive computers are sweet. I had their T6 trainer/HR monitor watch and loved it...I wonder where I left it...

Sooooo, what 3D tech is the pr0n industry using?

The technology and everything behind 3D is cool stuff, but all I see in the end are different ways for something to suck the same.

@arcticfox012: ...I'm pretty sure the ?? is profit hidden from the gov't.

@R.Frank: ...and some plastic or something for him to sit on so his balls don't rub on your couch; that suit looks a bit thin in a certain spot...

@tenazrael: by brain read "PHallet", then went to the gutter.

Interesting stuff. Here's the Cliff Notes version:

@ePrometheus: would've dropped 99ยข had you not pointed that out - thanks!

@Sidetalker: Yeah really, good point. Everyone has the choice to not fly. Airlines are corporations running under strict gov't oversight; if you don't like the rules, don't play the game. It's not like flying is a right we have.

My mom is being treated for a staph aureus infection that took up residence in a slight injury in her neck (official diagnosis is pyomyositis). She's at home now with a PICC line to administer her own IV antibiotics for a few more weeks. Docs say it entered her bloodstream via a bloody nose she had. Not awesome.

There have been some significant advancements in breast imaging technology beyond simply enhancing a mammography image; it's called molecular breast imaging. Check out the work of Dr. O'Connor and Dr. Rhodes, []

Ergo fail