Oracle Mun


It's official. You're the best.

Especially since Waterford doesn't realize that the sex workers were happy being sociology professors and lawyers.

"No, I meant the women." That line from the novel chilled me years ago. What a way to demonstrate that the Commander doesn't see women as people. Shades of Tiptree's "The Women Men Don't See."

I would watch a Maze and Trixie hour ever week, but it's probably best that they're used judiciously in the storytelling.

I knew Lars had it in him. :)

*cough* Or a leading Welshman.

Oh, ouch. I've had one of those. :( I hope his recovery is faster than mine.

I was so happy to see Trixie and Lucifer. Their scenes are about as good as Trixie and Maze.

Why not a televangelist who is also a frequent Fox News contributor? That can happen, and I think it would emphasize the power she had before Gilead rose: She was able to speak in the temple as well as in the marketplace, to get a little biblical about it. Now her sphere is limited to the home, just as she said it…

For me that was right up there with Psych's Gus and Shawn conversation about WHAT kind of role Shawn was expecting Gus to play in a Civil War re-enactment.

Right now, the revelation that Blaine isn't faking would be less of a surprise to me than proof his memory loss is real.

Just repeat to yourself….

Pretty much! It just goes to show that when a revolution is against critical thought and diverse viewpoints, it may have short-term success, but that's it.

I had to do that during the pilot - hit pause and breathe. I first read the book when I was in high school, shortly after it was published. I've gotten married since then, and the nightmare of your spouse being killed is more frightening now than it was to high-school me.

He's the kind of man who didn't understand the implications and consequences of what he was fighting for. Now that he has it, I don't think he realizes that victory didn't bring him happiness.

Any entertainment or intellectual property lawyers in the club?

I'm in.

If we don't get a fourth season, I shall be very cross and glare at Netflix. That'll show 'em.

I'm a young stroke survivor. They're scary things to live through. I thought Lily Tomlin did an excellent job portraying Frankie's fear and stress.