Oracle Mun

They're both honest and reasonable perspectives.

I liked the differences in how Sol and Robert saw the protestors. Sol saw them as something like cousins: as a protestor himself, he could empathize with the desire to speak out, though he had little sympathy with their actual goal. Robert, aka the King of Buttoned-Down Feelings, is ignoring them and hoping they'll

I liked seeing John the gay clergy dude again. He gave good advice, too.

Very much so. Watching Grace and Frankie fight in S1 was often amusing, but we know that at least some of the fighting was because of divorce stress. In this season, their fights come out of who they are, and they bring me to the edge of my seat because I want them to remember their friendship.

Speaking of Grace, I cackled when she told Sol that Robert's mother was HIS mother-in-law now. You could tell that was one part of their marriage Grace was happy to leave behind.

Don't forget the dancing! Watching him step so lively to "Piddle, Twiddle, and Resolve" made me smile.

Martin Sheen broke my heart in that scene.

Blaine's a cunning fellow, but he has his blind spots. Much like Vaughn's intelligence can be overthrown if you stroke his ego.

Nope - Major got Blaine's dad in the freezer before Blaine could carry out his plan.

I figured the point of that storyline was that Blaine wanted to make his dad suffer by living through what Blaine's grandfather was experiencing. Dementia would be pretty scary, especially to someone like Blaine's dad.

Pear pimples for hairy fishnuts!