Opus T. Penguin

And here I was hoping he got caught doing something fun like calling Tucker an idiot or something.

They received a “Winter Soldier created by” credit at the end of the show, but I wonder if they also get royalties? Bucky was created way before any royalties for creating original characters was a thing, but Winter Soldier was after that kind of payment (finally) happened to some degree. I wonder if retconning and

I wish that recap were in the series. It’s been a while!

It’s a second article about the premiere focusing on one aspect of it. They do that a lot with popular shows/movies. I’m sure there was more than on Justice League article as well (and like 100 Wandavision ones!)

I like to believe Steve and Peggy lived out their romance on an parallel Earth, and then he came back to his original one after she passed away (which is what I think the writers of the movie but not the directors believed happened?)

It’s a good question! But I also wish they had kept the Falcon technology more basic so his main thing is he can fly really well. Now he’s getting awfully close to be doing a lot of stuff War Machine could do. Which is cool I guess, but makes the character less distinctive for me.

He’s further embracing the culture wars as he gets ready to run for president. If he hasn’t already done so, I’m sure he’ll also soon come out against trans athletes in high school sports to “save our girls”.

While I agree with you in most cases, Kotick has led Activision since the early 1990s. He cares about the longterm health of the company and it has made him billions to do so.

But wait, we never got to see what Whedon could’ve done if he got to follow his vision for the Justice League from the beginning instead of being hired halfway through production. Warner Bros. should spend another $70 million to re-reshoot it and then... release the Whedon cut!

As long as when they start fresh they keep “Shazam! and the creative team behind it. For me that was by far the best of the bunch.

They might, but apparently some Republicans are worried if they go after her in Congress she’ll run for Senate in Georgia as a victim of the establishment, and then if she can win that primary, she would be the Republican’s opponent against Warnock in 2022 (he’s serving a shorter term than usual as his victory was a

If you enter the promo code KINJAMAGI it should knock off another 9 dollars.

If you enter the promo code KINJAMAGI it should knock off another 9 dollars.

People who don’t want to go the Peloton route (due to budget or other reasons) should check out Zwift. Much more afordable way to cycle from home, and a lot of folks love it.

I like that!

Haha. Indeed. It was late and comic book multiverse mumbo jumbo is hard to explain when sleepy.

He doesn’t talk but how about Lockheed?

Shame they didn’t fuck, but still, a boy can dream...”

Hahahaha. Best comment here!

Definitely not ruined but to have the same actor who played Quicksilver in another cinematic comic universe show up in a series playing Quicksilver on a show where your protagonist can bend reality, but then he turns out to just be some dude and no connection to that other cinematic universe (despite the character’s

Eh, I wouldn’t have minded Dr. Strange showing up in the post-credits scene and offering to teach her if she wants his services. And also to thank her for capturing Agatha, as she’s always been a pain and he’d lost track of her at some point.

I think maybe because it brings up issues of consent? And issues around that subject can be extremely personal and sometimes traumatic for people, of course.