Opus T. Penguin

I’ve since cooled on Bill Murray ever since he came to my home unannounced while I was gone and did all of my daughter’s homework but gave her all the wrong answers...or at least that’s what my she told me had happened.

It’s very forced for him to be Jacobson’s personal attorney, since he would need a California Bar license as well as knowledge of California laws.

You mean like make popular anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-homophobic media that reaches a large audience? That would be a swell thing for someone who grew up with this kind of privilege to do!

So this thing had a racist past before 1990, then wasn’t *as* racist, and cleaned up and hid the racist stuff under the rug when she was 10 years old. Then 9 years later at 19 she gets signed up for the thing likely not knowing the past. Then, years later, acknowledges it was bad optics and apologizes for any support

Never let facts get in the way of a good outrage article. 

Seriously, A.V. Club? This is such a stretch and you’re taking such a gleeful attitude towards uncovering it, as if it’s some big secret

I’ll jsut repost my earlier comment from The Root, since this article is even worse:


Are you fucking kidding me?

Did you morons not even bother to check The Root article that covered this same non-issue? I get it, none of you are actual journalists, and have no integrity, and this is really big on Twitter and social media, but damn, you could have just not posted this and saved yourselves the humility maybe just this once. 

There’s more black people at Veiled Prophet Ball than work at the AV Club

This article is fucking stupid even by the extremely low standards of Nu-AV Club. Even the people on The Root wrote it off and AVC is still trying to make it into some big thing. 

You know, AVC, you can’t regularly call Twitter a shitty hell website and then give in to its worst tendencies constantly.

I'm legitimately impressed that this site can run multiple articles a week saying that there's no such thing as cancel culture, and then turn around and write this bullshit. The lack of self-awareness is incredible. 

It’s just the latest twitter freak out about how racist the country’s history is—as the article states, the weirdest thing about it is it’s always been out there, so who knows why today is the day people are freaking out? Twitter is in ‘one of it’s moods’ it seems. As far as Ms Kemper goes, there’s certainly nothing

Those mommy fudgers! 

The AV Club needs fewer Vice and Buzzfeed hires. 

“At that age [19], teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.”

The Atlantic reported in 2014 that the Veiled Prophet Organization barred Black and Jewish people from joining.

I’m surprised AV Club went with this take when even the comments section of The Root went “Eh, this is stretching it.”