The writers had her get over the death of her mom and missing five years of time incredibly quickly too, so maybe they meant to portray her as someone who’s just great at compartmentalizing?
The writers had her get over the death of her mom and missing five years of time incredibly quickly too, so maybe they meant to portray her as someone who’s just great at compartmentalizing?
How does Overcast compare to Pocket Cast? I use the latter and love it.
I’m guessing it’s the end of the first episode but we will see!
I thought it got cancelled because the nature of the episodes, that is the long time needed to solve the odd mysteries, made them too challenging to produce on any regular basis. Was that not the case? I loved that show.
Grey’s Anatomy did a similarly misguided (if maybe not as offensive) storyline about an Orthodox Jewish teenager who refused to have a pig’s valve implanted to save her life.
Thanks for sharing. I could only hear until about 12k. I’m old!
Just turned it off. Thanks!
Don’t forget to mention boxer Mal Duncan, who joined the Teen Titans (introduced in 197o, in their original series, not the much more successful relaunch as the New Teen Titans) and then eventually got super-powers of his own.
Kelsey Grammer was a giant Benny fan and loved playing the character who the other characters take the piss out of.
His storyteling in “Titanic” was purposefully melodramatic old school romance mixed with modern day action and special effects. It’s not subtle but it has a lot of charms.
He can be an amazing storyteller (“Aliens” rocks as well.) But yeah, while “I’ll be back” and “Game over, man!” are beloved lines, some of his other dialogue is less clever.
The lighter runs are the best. Especially the Morrison run you mention and the Giffen/J. M. DeMatteis (and a ton of great artists) run on Justice League (well, Justice League International after a few issues, plus the slightly less consistent, Justice League Europe).
Is this an episode of “I Love Films”?
Take that, Rachel Bloom! 😂
He also directed Amadeus. Which I loved.
I’ve actually been listening to it recently after not listening to it for years (just because I forgot about it.) But I also got the vaccine recently so that might be part of my mood.
I thought we’d get “Lovely Day” or a cool “Here Comes the Sun” cover (I like the Nina Simone one even if critics usually don’ t so much), and stuff like that. I was duped!
After Biden passes the new stimulus bill, we need to all work to help the passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. We will need unrelenting pressure on the centrist Democrats to get them to at least in this case ignore the filibuster. Without a new voting rights act, Republicans will have a free hand to expand…
Yeah, it seems crude for Mad Magazine. More maybe National Lampoon?