Allow me some end-user perspective.
Allow me some end-user perspective.
A good question is would these games have the playerbases they do if they did not have a gamble mechanic invovled? Would people be so quick to jump into Overwatch or even PUBG just to enjoy the gameplay itself?
Pfft, easy enough.
I unlocked everything in Battlefield 1 in about 30 levels. It took about the same amount of levels to do the same in Battlefront 1.
Yup. But now, its civil discussions of “Well, Anime does not translate well to live action!” or “FMA is more Euro than Japanese anyways..”. I guess that kind of thing was not allowed with GITS.
I found it odd how most of the people who were cosplaying seemed to be surprised by his antics and did not want to participate.
And here I thought dogs were the only ones who chased their own tails.
Copy/paste cash grab or attempting to rise the ranks on Twitch? Maybe both. Still glad I took a pass on it. Between this and Paragon, Epic is doing some weird shit with their games.
This is the same shit as stand up comedians. They get heckled and can do little about it other than deal with it.
Still better than ARMA 3 choppers.
Seems like a decent casual fun game on the surface but, kind of expensive on the preorder side of things after 6 years of dev time. With the goofy ‘rewards’ you get from preordering (Founders loot packs, Daily loot packs, Immediate(wtf?) loot packs etc)and the fact that it’s going to be F2P anyways -it looks like it’s…
Chinese D.Va, pantless Mercy and half naked female McCree should be imported into the game.
Yes, games that invented the original MMORPG genre like Everquest, SWG, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes etc are long gone sadly -some died off/shutdown and others just became niche.
Hell yeah, I do this too. When my team needs a point guard I just get all spiteful and stay playing center anyways. Or when we already have a second baseman, I still play the position and leave first base open. I mean who cares, it’s just a quick pick-up game for the lulz.
I still don’t understand the “Who cares, this is QP” response when asking the team to try and win or PTFO. Hell, most of the people that say “it’s just QP” don’t even have any Season Rank at all so it’s not like they are taking a break from the high-octane Comp atmosphere. I understand people trying new heroes though…
It’s an automatic shotgun. :)
This has a unintended good side effect of extra sales from being banned. These cheaters will continue to repurchase the game over and over.
I understand the contempt most gamers hold against NMS. But hey, Hello Games is following through -which is a good thing. Worth checking out at the least. The game still has the ability to be more.
Keep aiming for that dreamy Star Trek utopia. It’s never going to happen.