Optimus Rex 84

The high school marching band in TF&TWC’s 2nd episode played it.

That bit still cracks me up.

“I’m not throwing away my... SHIELD! I’m not throwing away my SHIELD!”

And they damn well better have had Lin-Manuel Miranda write it.

Nothing wrong with Appleseed or Alita, to me anyway.

I thought I heard Jeffery Combs as that computer. A Star Trek series after TNG feels incomplete without him.

They find an abandoned spaceship. What makes them think it still flies? And why was it abandoned? It is... illogical.

I’m put off by the sound mixing in this trailer. The scenes with people whispering to each other (which I hate in any movie) do not gel well with the drum-thumping Hans-Zimmer score or that woman wailing in I-don’t-know-what language.

Even Tatooine looks better than Arrakis.

Last night I learned that’s where A.P. Bio went, and that it’s up to Season 4 already. Where did the time go?!

Charles brought up the Boyle Family Farm in Iowa before, when speaking before the Council of Cousins about where to go for vacation, and Gina convinced them all to go to Aruba. Where she found out all 18 of them have sleep apnea.

As boring as it may sound, I would like to read the texts of these laws in fictional worlds [cough] SHRA! [cough] Sokovia Accords! [cough], just to see what all the fuss is about, and to see how they would affect the real world.

Pretty much every cryptocurrency sounds like a scam, or a front for money laundering.

Did you say BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!!!!!????

How many times has Charles said something incredibly inappropriate at work enough that would send a real person to HR for a stern talking to?

Always glad to see more Archer.

I’m down for that. This show’s 4th season finale was a bog ol’ Sealab 2021 tribute in disguise.

I thought it was a missed opportunity they didn’t let Kal-EL know that, oh I don’t know, Kara’s back from the Phantom Zone, and brought her still-alive dad with her! Forgot why he was put there in the 1st place. And bring Lois and the boys, too. Could be funny if they call her “Aunt Kara” while looking only a decade

Oof. Bad night for Jake; he let his best fremesis get away, and he got suspended, but he also acted OUT of character. Previous seasons showed he’s smarter than that.

My theory: Jake’s well-known friendship with Doug Judy, who escaped from jail to another country, factored into the length of time he’s suspended.