Rabble! Rabble, rabble!
Rabble! Rabble, rabble!
This quote attributed to Woodrow Wilson, which I first heard from Adam Jensen in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, feels appropriate and describes so much about the world:
Thanks for clarifying what’s going on with io9 and the rest of Gizmodo. I’d give a star to you and everyone else here, but this system won’t let me do that now.
EDIT: “I should have removed the word “more” before “Skrull Empire”, that was leftover from another edit.
These guys have some stiff competition in the DC riffing game:
You misspelled “Jeffery Combs”.
Hm, I liked PotC 1, 2, and 4. Then again, I paid real American dollars to see Haunted Mansion and Tomorrowland. If Disney reverse-Imagineered a movie from another ride at their parks, I can’t remember it.
I thought that’s what part of the ride was inspired by, along with looking like the Amazon rainforest and the jungles of SE Asia.
Continuity nitpick: a later episode he’s allergic to beestings. “They cause me to, um, die.”
And just like chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers, those movies have things in them I KNOW are bad for me, but I love ‘em anyway.
SHAZAM! turned out to be surprisingly good, so I’m stoked to see more.
And god bless ‘em, they’ll honestly believe they’re making a genuine effort.
The way I figure it, Talos and the “good” Skrulls we’ve seen who follow him are exiles from the more Skrull Empire, which is ruled by violent religious fanatics (like in the comics!) who want to wipe out the Kree Empire and conquer the universe. Granted, the Kree want to do the same thing, but that’s what every space…
Especially if its humans hunting other humans because of a cartoonishly evil despotic regime (Hunger Games, The Purge).
And Stephen going “What the FU--?!” in slow motion.
What the deuce was that from, and where can I find more of it?
DAMMIT! I slept through most of it! I clonked out at 2 a.m., PDT.
[reads title] Aaaaaaaand by node ig bleeding. Thang a lod.
Think io9's article titles suck? Look at the ones on Cracked.com.
Didn’t Doctor Doom successfully conquer the universe in that 2015 Secret Wars crossover?