Optimus Rex 84

“Nothing is true, everything is permitted.”

For some reason, if David Bowie were still alive, I can picture him playing that version you said.

Unlike Steve Rogers, I don’t understand your reference.

At what point did GoT go overboard on the rapes and torture of women? After it started winning awards? If so, part of the blame should go to the people behind the Emmys, Golden Globes, and anything else GoT won for encouraging this bad behavior.

Says you; Matt Ryan as John Constantine is one of the best parts of Legends of Tomorrow.

After reading the snippets of the leaked script for the PPG live-action reboot/sequel/revival/reanimated-abomination, I have one question:

Meh, they’ve been there before. They had Ray’s bachelor party and wedding there.

Replace “light” with “heavy”, and “punching” with “kicking in the nards”, and I agree.

I still laugh at the “confessed arsonist” line whenever I think about it. Because that show has great writing.

Or that one creepy kids’ choir who covered Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters” for the Zero Dark Thirty trailer, and Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall” for that one New Mutants trailer.

Who among us doesn’t? #SaveTeamVenture

By Futurama logic, a drunk robot functions optimally. Robots that don’t drink enough act like drunk humans.

“Campy” People keep using that word, and I don’t think it means whatever THEY think it means.

I’m still confused by what I just watched, and I honestly thought Lindsey Lohan was in this.

Did they kick him off the Ant-Man project, or did he quit over creative differences?


How have they not already?!

Now I’m afraid of how a Portal movie would screw up adapting the game. Like, will they have Chell actually TALK?

I highly recommend you watching his old Hammer Horror movies. He was also a Bond villain: Francisco Scaramanga in “The Man With The Golden Gun”. And the original “Wicker Man”.

Or a bad-ass facial scar.