
I’ve been using the same four rechargeable AA batteries since the Xbox 360 era. Spent maybe $18 for the kit, it’s all lasted me more than ten years, and I don’t have to worry about battery disposal. When the two in my controller die, I just swap them with the two full ones waiting in the charger. You, too, can be

You lost me at the title. Why aren’t you using a rechargeable pack? 

So I want to do $75000.00 worth of renovations to my house- will the city give me $25000.00 in tax breaks to do it ? I will employ local homeless people to do the work on my house

The unfortunate question no one asks is, why aren’t taxes simply low across the board for everyone? Then no one has to file for “special treatment”.

Corporate welfare at it’s finest. What a bunch of a-holes.

Pictured: Donald Trump spotting a brown person on one of his golf courses.

And that’s why you always ask Elon Musk for help in any rescue mission

The Silvas say they have gotten calls from their mother, who said she was denied her medication.

I know Trump is an evil scumbag, I’ve known that for forty years.

thank god we’re being protected from these old, sick, and dastardly criminals.

Thank you Donand Trump

Once all the Soy farmers go belly up and thousands of jobs are lost, Trump will simply blame it on “Obama-era” trade policies I am sure.

In Peak Pegasus there is a happy ending for the shipmates...

GDP growth is 2%....I wouldn’t be looking to wipe away nearly half of it...

I’m trying to not stereotype the stereotype.



Could be a rude welcome when they get ashore; I hope at least some of the crew members know tofu and can defend themselves.

*canna go any faster


Kirk must be really pissed at Scotty now but maybe in the future he will listen when he tells him she cannot go any faster.