
as a white person I agree with you wholeheartedly, i’m perfectly content to just keep to myself and not bother people(unless they are being a bigot of course, in which case i’ll make it my business to step in and tell them off), don’t know why the act of minorities having fun triggers white folks like this Becky.

FFin she didn’t call 911. She called emergency services through the main number over a pair of socks. Feel better now?

So, my personal guess is that these people see this stuff going viral and think “Ooh! I can be racist, #TriggerLibruls, and get famous all at once!”, but they fail to read the follow-ups where the offenders consistently lose their jobs, because they’re dumb.

Regular diapers don’t akways do well in pools. They disperse into lots of little peices sometimes if the kids stay in long enough. (This happened when the pre-k I worked in got a blow up pool.)

Many are the tools of the white man. She forgot she had scalpels in her toolbox and went straight for the sledgehammer.

“They were gang socks. He’s obviously a member of the West Side Twinkle Toes.”

‘It’s the rules, he was breaking them’ is enough for most grays (myself excluded, of course...).

Lets say for arguments sake that Kam Porter was 100% completely in the wrong, she wasn’t but let’s just say she was. This is not something that you call 911 over. You issue some kind of residential warning, or written correction to the tenant, and keep it in the tenant’s records. You don’t use 911 this way for this

Something something sanitation something something follow the rules.

Because clearly the wardrobe violation (which wasn’t even a violation if others weren’t expected to adhere to the rules) calls for the involvement of law enforcement.

MIND. YOUR. BUSINESS. WHITE PEOPLE. It’s not hard. The rest of us manage it just fine! Jesus...

That pose combined with her great big head makes her look like an overgrown 5-year-old. Acted like one too.

And, you just KNOW all these racist former employees are blaming the person that had to deal with their racism instead of, y’know, their racism.

Nothing supreme about that body except maybe a dozen pack of taco supremes.

Swim with a shirt on ?  Since when can you not do that?  Where the fuck are you from?

That’s the body language of White supremacy dominance right there.

Da fuck? It’s like they don’t read newspapers and notice all the people causing frivolous confrontations losing their jobs.

Amy Schumer, come get your racist sister.

So ... Missy Thing doesn’t read (or watch) the news, then. Because otherwise she'd already know about  #IDAndy,  who was fired for that kind of scapegoating behavior. 

Hmm. I wonder how the grays will make excuses for this one? Perhaps he was concealing razor sharp toenails.

I love the self righteous ‘you’re being ridiculous’ look she’s giving them. Complete with hands on hips.