
@Jrsy Devil's Advocate®: WELL SAID!

/sigh Is there an app for that?

Why does everything need a label?

We are not amused. :o)


Yes, I agree! That picture drew me in like a moth to a flame. Couldn't pass up clicking the link for more info. :-)

This story just makes me sad all around.

There was an documentary about transgendered inmates. Often times they do not feel safe with the other men because they're automatically assumed to be their [property]. :-(

She's a lesbian. No husband in-tow.

I love dress-up-at-work day!

Clever girl!

Rant away! :oD

This just proved that Chris Brown....DOESN'T. GET. IT. Let's move on folks, nothing else to see here.

Could not have said it better myself.

Just because we have to be at Church doesn't mean that we have to like it.

How does Xtina rip off Lady GaGa if Xtina was first?

[Hilary] Why so serious?

They say things happen for a reason.

I only got about 2 min into the video but she is the damn cutest thing ever! :o)

@Mmmmkay (gellin' and Jezebelin) She's the one who pitched the show!