
Sounds like a stoner thing to do. Make something out of plastic, then later realize...OOOPS!

Narcissist. Say it with me now. Nar-ci-siss-t.

When someone wants something bad enough, "No!" - with any amount of conviction behind it - is never enough. They will always find a way. Always. It's the irrational human impulse that some just don't care or even bother to try to maintain.

It sounds like Tony was just looking for a reason to dump Jess. Ouch!

At work it's gotta be clear of clutter. At home, it's easier if things are cluttered. lol I don't know what it is.

If the rumors are true, AJ is closer to the truth. :o) Thumbs, not swords, but who's measuring anyway? lol

Now that's the Mario I remember. lol ;)

Guess you never had a first time, huh? You've always been "computer savvy" ~ even before LifeHacker was born.


This works for me too. While I do have "To Do" list apps on my iPhone such as OmniFocus, sometimes it is easier to just jot a quick email to myself as a reminder since I check my email RELIGIOUSLY. :ob

Wow. Talk about memories. The Spice Girls helped me realise I am in fact a lesbian, it also brought me my best friend from high school (we used to have a shared hatred of each other) and also my first girlfriend.

Read closer, the rule hasn't been implemented yet, love.

I like, TOTALLY miss the 80s. Big hair, big fun, and oh yea...MTV actually stood for Music Television.

Chris Brown ain't none to bright neither.

I'd hate to see the face she makes when she stubs her toe.

Omigosh (!) one for each pocket!

They're just the fucking cutest.

@telecomic the thoughtful red panda: 1. How did they meet? 2. What did she see in him/ what did he see in her? (Besides the two obvious answers: 1. money and 2. looks)

From an astrological standpoint, she was right on with a few of her lines. Sagittarius (Brad) does not like to be tied down as they are natural born explorers.

took the words right outta my mouth! Now give them back damnit!